let’s explore the symbolism behind water signs

pisces — a fish swimming in two different directions, staying in water

cancer — a crab, can breathe underwater but can also stay out of it

scorpio — will quickly drown if submerged in water. needs to stay out of water
picture the water as people’s emotional flood;

pisces — gets lost in the waters or lose themselves trying to help others. lack of boundaries

cancer — goes back and forth between lacking boundaries and being too self-protective

scorpio — desperate need for boundaries
the moment you touch water, there’s a risk that comes with it. pisces and scorpio happen to both embody the extremes when it comes to putting up boundaries. cancer struggles being in the middle so they can “snap” out of detachment or attachment just like that
it’s important to understand the nuances. they may all be water but they represent different states of water

pisces: gaz - flexible and changing water, foggy
cancer: liquid - cardinal water, water that nurture/feeds others
scorpio: solid - fixed water, which means like ice
pisces “gaz” means they have no wall to contain their water flow. their water flows into every corner of the room. pisces’ water bonds itself emotionally to whatever is exposed and it’s the source of their reputation for empathy, compassion and it’s why they’re exhausted
cancer “liquid” is associated with nurturing and mothering. it’s the nourishing water of the womb before you break out. it’s the water that feeds the soil, humans + the planet. it flows wherever there’s a downward slope. cancers sensitive and easily hurt, vulnerable but strong
scorpio “solid” is like ice. it is fixed water, therefore it maintains form. they may be full of water (emotions) but they can turn it all into ice if needed. but beware, contained water can become stagnant and breed disease; let yourself breathe, scorpio
i like doing breakdowns of concepts a LOT so i might do more regarding the other elements in the future! in the meantime here’s more if you’d like to understand water signs: https://twitter.com/legallyines/status/1134436685821988865?s=21
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