Let's talk about one of my favorite spices: Cumin🤩🤩

But first here is we you pronounce it (spoiler: not pronounced as cumming or warreva)
I have both the ground spice and the whole seeds. What I'll use will depend on the dish I'm making. The ground spice is about 60- 120 bob depending on can size and a pack of whole cumin is 69 bob
Pilau masala is a blend of several spices, and cumin is one of them See the thin 'rice-shaped' seeds, that's your cumin. For the pilau masala, I like using whole spices too, as it allows you to adjust the flavor by adding any whole spice as you refer.
I love how cumin pairs with potatoes. I decided to add some with the dry ingredients for my bhajia batter. I was not disappointed! http://www.kaluhiskitchen.com/cumin-bhajia-with-honey-ukwaju-bbq-sauce/
I boiled my ndengu with some cumin and also allowed the same flavor to infuse into my oil before cooking. Very simple step, but made a yuuuuuuge difference

For my viazi vya rojo, to make the potatoes hold some flavor of it's own, I boiled them with some whole cumin. The flavor paired so so well and my viazi vya rojo were so bomb!! http://www.kaluhiskitchen.com/cumin-clove-viazi-vya-rojo/
I really love my meat, but veg burgers are pretty dope too!! Cumin really brought this to life, and when paired with garlic and mushrooms- nothing but fireworks!! http://www.kaluhiskitchen.com/thyme-cumin-veg-burger-with-creamy-lime-avocado-sauce/
I loooooove njahi, and its inherent earthy flavor really pops when allowed to boil with some cumin seeds. A little goes a long way and the flavor infuses so well!! http://www.kaluhiskitchen.com/cumin-and-thyme-njahi/
This is one of my favorite fried rice recipes!! I really love it and the cumin paired so well with the chicken which I truly savored. http://www.kaluhiskitchen.com/cumin-chicken-mushroom-fried-rice/
I love me a great salad and my mango cucumber chicen salad is one of my absolute faaaaaaaaave! A dash of cumin was part of the dressing for this and it was also used in the chicken as one of the marination ingredients. Nothing but greatness!!

My biryani would not be complete without the aroma and flavor of our star cumin! The rice in particular had to have my whole cumin seeds and I loved the overall taste!

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I am a fried rice stan and this beauty will always come at handy when you wand to revamp some left over rice. I love how cumin, along with all the other spices, made everything alot more rounded and full bodied!

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Cumin always blooms so well and this rounded flavor is played up so so sooooo well in my garlic tandoori masala meatballs. Not only does the mchuzi have cumin, but the spice was mixed into the meat before rolling.

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Beans in any form will be forever delicious but this yellow bean coconut milk stew will always have a special place in my soul!!! Boiled my beans with whole cumin and also included some while stewing.

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Hebu look at these beautiful ribs!!! My red wine braised honey pork ribs really came to life and the dry rub spice I made for them- which had cumin- complimented all the other flavors to perfection.

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I would looooooove to have this platefull right now!! I used snapper for this however you can use tilapia, which I know is alot more common. .

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