In their silly version of modern history, which [Boomers] never tire of repeating, their generation discovered the glory of sex, including the fact that sex can be pleasurable for women.
(As you are no doubt aware, Christianity and Western civilization suppressed this information from a gullible public for thousands of years.)
[Boomers] have never understood that the argument for traditional morality and the nuclear family, far from being merely the pronouncement of negative rules and conventional constraints, used to be that virtue was what makes human beings *happy*.
"Happy,” as in truly fulfilled and content as is possible in this life; as in that activity which allows us to develop ourselves into what we are naturally made to become.
No one ever had a problem with sex, the problem was with ripping sex out of its human context and rendering it a meaningless distraction—a purely physical, animal exercise for the sake of pleasure alone, signifying nothing.
And this is the way their world ends. We are now left w/pathetic spectacle of old women writing books patting themselves on back for acting like prostitutes even as they admit such acts—besides shattering lives of those around them—leave themselves unfulfilled & woefully lonely.
Notice that while they are certain of their right to pursue whatever they want, they don’t talk about being happy very much. The one thing that their narcissistic literature never directly addresses is the fact that everything they have advocated has made them all miserable.
Of course, these are the members of the same generation that thought rolling around in the muck and partying hard at a three day concert was a defining achievement of generational greatness.
I am not the first to point out that while they are not the 1st or last generation to roll around in the muck, take drugs, and have sex at an extended camp-out, sleep-over party, they're the only ones we know of who think that this could somehow be politically meaningful event.
These are the same people who thought that John Lennon and his wife lying in bed for a week could somehow be causally related to world peace.
Not-so-ironically, they themselves are the only ones who have ever taken themselves seriously—but unfortunately they are buoyed by the sheer size of their generation and their willingness as members of today’s cultural elite to ceaselessly repeat their sacred mantras.
As boomers fade they still cannot grasp that what makes for great VH1 specials, alas, does not make it into the history books. In the grand scheme of things, events like Woodstock will slowly disappear from cultural memory, lucky to become a footnote in crowded history textbooks.
I doubt Erica Jong’s desire to have sexual relations w/Bill Clinton will be long remembered, but fact that 1st boomer president was almost impeached for lying under oath about having oral sex w/intern young enough to be his daughter—well, this is sort of thing that has “legs.”
This is only beginning of their awkward end, as only 1st wave are now aging w/everything but grace. To extent they've ignored their children—if such parents have truly taught "their children well"—stands to reason children will follow their sorry example by returning the favor.
I'm not 1st to predict in coming yrs many grandparents will be scattered across the country, living—in whatever friendly euphemism takes the place of “nursing homes”—alone, far removed from grandchildren & any of the other joys that elderly humans have traditionally delighted in.
The answers, no doubt, were blowing in wind—but they blew right past Tom Wolfe’s “me generation.”
They were lost then and they are lost now, as they always have been, aimlessly blown from pseudo-philosophies to pseudo-religions of self, ever fearful and defensive of anything that hints of judging their obvious mistakes.
“Never trust anyone over thirty” is a stupid aphorism, true only when applied to those adopt it. What advice have such people to offer?
By their own philosophy they have no advice to give—they can prescribe nothing to anyone, for they deny that anyone can tell anyone else what should or should not be done.
Their unhappy lives might serve as a warning to others, but unfortunately, since the younger generations have been taught next to nothing about virtue or the permanent things, they cannot draw the proper lessons from their unpleasant experience alone.
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