a thread of audio recordings and photos that support the FACT that jahseh onfroy (xxxtentacion) is INNOCENT in his domestic abuse case regarding his ex girlfriend (geneva ayala)
(im only reposting this because alot of people have remade my thread but either made it too long or left out alot of information and because alot of people asked me to. idgaf about clout, i just wanna help with the negativity surrounding x’s name)
before i start i just wanna say if you believe everything the media says without taking a look into it for yourself you’re an idiot. x was not the monster the media painted him as and i hope you read this and view him differently.
to start off geneva was never pregnant, here are the medical records to prove it, she lied about being pregnant to make x feel bad and stay with her. (the video below will elaborate)
a phonecall recording from x in jail talking about the situation
an audio recording from x in jail on the phone with his mom talking about the pregnancy paperwork 💔
an audio recording from a jail phonecall between x and geneva where she confesses to x that she fucked his friend when he was in jail
last year pitchfork was sold a recording of x speaking without knowing he was being recorded (which is illegal) they took a part of the audio out of context and posted it in an effort to further tarnish his image. x said he started “fucking her up” as in mentally not physically

the “witness” that helped geneva when she was getting jumped literally admitted x never put his hands on geneva. of course this clip hasn’t gone viral and no news outlets have covered this 🙄
the part that pisses me off the most is x loved geneva so much he basically sacrificed his public image and freedom just so grneva wouldn’t have to go to jail, geneva wanted to drop the charges but x told her not to because she would go to jail.
geneva also set up a gofundme for a fake surgery and took thousands from people, she was not beaten to the point where she couldn’t see and x’s supporters did not harass her to take down the gofundme, the gofundme was deleted as a result of mass reports for being fake.
and before any of yall come in saying he had witness tampering charges for making her lie about certain aspects of the case here’s a clear video of him “hAraSsing tHe WitnESs”. x and geneva were on good terms with one another and friends up until the day x passed away.
this video also deserves an honorable mention because people literally made up additional accusations to make x look bad
i hate speaking on this topic because geneva and x made peace with eachother long before he passed away and it’s just sad that yall sit on this app all day talking shit about a 20 year old that was murdered trying to better himself and the people around him. (geneva’s posts)
and to all x fans, you can all personally feel however you want about geneva but please leave her alone, she’s mourning along with the rest of us and you don’t benefit from spreading negativity, x also used to hate it when fans gave her a hard time
last year pitchfork was sold an audio recording of x talking without knowing he was being recorded, they took a part where he spoke about stabbing 8 people and tried to make it seem like he was boasting and did it for no reason, while it was actually in self defense.
this is the video they are referring to, you can clearly hear and see that x is asking for a 1 on 1 and everyone is still trying to close in on him and jump him, in a situation like this any person would react the same and pull the knife. this is SELF DEFENSE
fuck pitchfork, they always go out their way to throw dirt on x’s name
this is off topic but some people may try to bring it up, months ago a video surfaced of x playing around with this girl and he playfully slapped her on the cheek. haters saw it as a perfect opportunity to make him look like an abuser so here’s the girl’s statement on it
x was accepting of all his fans no matter what race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

he wasn’t homophobic and had nothing against the lgbt community, yall just branded him as a homophobe because he had to beat up a gay guy in jail in order to defend himself 😐
this thread basically sums up all the stuff that people talk shit about x for on the internet tbh so just make sure you bookmark this so you can link it whenever you see someone uneducated talking shit

in conclusion.
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