Anyone not contextualizing ProLife & #HeartbeatBill within GOP's white nationalism/white base demographics is missing the whole point of these anti-abortion bills. #GOP is aligned with white nationalists & turns a doting, blind eye at white supremacists (see: Charlottesville) 1/
We're seeing the establishment of incipient fascism in this country. Racist, nationalist GOPers fear losing white power structure & white demographic base to support said power structure. Fascism is also spreading in Europe --see Bannon promoting EuroFascism 2/
with its fear of refugees from ME and Africa. There is a nationalist fear of loss of white Euro culture & power base. In America, white nationalist Miller leads the charge of fascism, by literally caging South American brown and black people with their babies & small children. 3/
Why is GOP anti abortion? GOP fascist nationalists want white women to have white babies. They are afraid of losing their power (losing their base) in this country. They are racists so they believe racist tropes. They believe more white women access abortions than WOC. 4/
I heard a GOP strategist on @npr say that hispanic women have more babies than white women. These are PERCEIVED realities for GOPers. They need not be fact based realities. Nevertheless, they are acting on them. Illogically, irrationally. Where is the logic you may say, 5/,
in a GOP position that is simultaneously Anti-abortion, Anti-sex education & Anti-contraception - how can this be "pro-life" when women without access to knowledge & contraception may end up pregnant and need to abort? Are there any indications that GOP is pro-life w/respect 6/
to their other policies? Please note again- they are racists: GOP have been telling us this over & over again thru trump's policies! WAKE UP - yes, some of this is Fundamentalism, much of this is Misogyny - but there is a larger political racist agenda: Keeping America White 7/
We know GOP enact policies that hurt black and brown people including racist two tiered justice system: which is terrifying as to punitive consequences of #heartbeatbill. But what motivates legislation is that GOP racists/nationalists believe that white women access abortion 8/
more often than women of color. It may not be fact based but I am talking about GOP perceptions of truth (they have demonstrated they care little for facts or science). GOP operates largely in response to primitive fears & by instilling them in weak minds. Although agenda is 9/
stopping white women aborting, clearly the #HeartbeatBill will have a devastating impact on all women -- women of color, white women, & poor women, in particular. This thread is not meant to minimize or diminish the impact this bill will have on Women of Color -- it's just an 10/
attempt to explain the GOP's motivation in killing Roe v. Wade - what motivates white nationalist GOP in their Anti abortion, Anti Contraception, Anti sex ed stances: they want demographics reversed -- they want it trending white 11/
We are in an incipient fascist state: recognizing GOP ultimate goals will help us defeat them. END
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