The Man Behind Citizens United Is Just Getting Started👉 Citizens United was the culmination of years of work by Bopp to chip away at the nation’s campaign-finance regulations, often via obscure cases no one expected him to win.
Forgot to include date👉from 2011
James Bopp, Jr., "The Lawyer Who's Killing Campaign Finance Reform"
Bopp has sponsored an initiative titled: "Republican Purity Test," which "would require candidates seeking party contributions and support to agree to at least eight of 10 positions on issues including abortion, gay marriage and gun control."
Bopp is also the main incorporator for the Faith and Family Alliance. His law firm, The Bopp Law Firm represented the Leaders for Families Super PAC Inc which was put together at the 11th hour in December of 2011 to pump up the lagging campaign of Rich Santorum 👉
who gained almost 21% in the final count from a poll of polls on the day prior to the Iowa Caucuses thanks in large part to that PAC's efforts.
Bopp on campaign finance disclosure requirements: “Groups have to be relieved of reporting their donors if lifting the prohibition on their political speech is going to have any meaning,” he said. 👉
Requiring groups that buy political commercials to report their donors is almost as punitive, he said, “as an outright criminal go-to-jail-time prohibition.”
"Bopp's efforts have attracted support from conservative luminaries and wealthy GOP patrons. Tax records show the board of the James Madison Center has received at least $95,000 from the DeVos Foundation, $300,000 from the Kohler Foundation, and $170,000 from the Roe Foundation.
Among its board members are David A. Norcross, who has served as the Republican Party's general counsel, and former Michigan Republican Chairwoman Betsy DeVos, whose husband ran for governor and chairs the DeVos Foundation.",_Jr.
Citizen Bopp (02/1/12) Bopp told The New York Times just after the Citizens United decision that “we had a 10-year plan to take this all down”—meaning campaign-finance regulation. He told me that because of super PACs, “we are actually ahead of schedule.”
IMO Bopp’s answer about Koch is total b.s.,the tactic is to accuse what they themselves are guilty of.
Bopp speaking at the “Koch-backed Heritage Foundation” 2015 ... so much for “never, nothing to do with Koch”🙄
Mr. Bopp has been vice chairman of the Republican National Committee since 2008 and Indiana Republican Party national committeeman since 2006. He is a member of The Federalist Society and served as co-chairman of its Election Law Subcommittee from 1996 to 2005.
The Religious Right’s Crusade to Deregulate Political Spending
The James Madison Center for Free Speech (JMCFS), founded in 1997, is largely the creation of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell and Indiana/D.C. attorneyJames Bopp Jr.
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