What could I talk about for 30 minutes with no prep:

- Michigan's PBB Crisis
- Voting Rights
- Gerrymandering
- Detroit/Suburban Divide History
- How Awesome Are Rabbits!
- Michigan's 2018 Lame Duck Session
- Newsradio
- Public Trust Doctrine
- How Awesome Are The Great Lakes! https://twitter.com/JoshuaBHoe/status/1126675334039048192
#1 is #1 for a reason. If you're a millennial or younger, even born/raised in Michigan, you probably don't know about when basically every single non vegan in the lower peninsula was exposed to a dangerous chemical. I know I didn't.

So I'll tell you. https://undark.org/article/pbb-michigan-epigenetics/
The company responsible for the mix-up left a Superfund site behind in St Louis MI. Unrelated to this f--k up, just an extra layer of hell.

PBB levels in MI are still high - and it passed to children.

We need to learn from this. We obviously haven't. https://www.mlive.com/news/2016/05/velsicol_superfund_st_louis_pb.html
Ron Howard made a movie about it (Bitter Harvest). The book The Poisoning of Michigan is a more definitive history, but movie was pretty accurate other than names changed.

Couldn't find this full doc. The trailer is enough though. Dead animal warning.
Eek. 😐
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