Logging insights I've gleaned on Twitter from others abt the Am. Evangelicalism in which I was raised, of which I am still somewhat a part, for which I am grateful, but from which I have traveled into Presbyterian/Reformed Catholicity
Ken Myers (Mars Hill Audio) observed in the mid-90s: Am. evangelicalism is “of the world, but not really in the world.” IOW, thinking we were "in but not of," we were secluded & unengaged w/ most social prblms while pursuing the same idols (comfort, entertainment) as neighbors.
Corporate worship & church membership under elders is not seen as *necessary,* only personal a personal relationship. Drives individualism. Worship in most churches is oriented towards the individual. Personal “orthodoxy” drives “orthopraxy.” Enlightenment humanism affects, too.
Revivalism dominates personal piety & corporate worship/ministry to the extent that maturity in Christ & equipping Christians for faithful & just work in the world is impossible.
Anti-intellectualism predominates such that church history, theology, & tradition are viewed with severe skepticism undergirded by personal bible reading that "doesn't see it in Scripture," or in reaction to this, theology becomes the only mark of spiritual maturity.
Anti-authoritarianism/institutionalism characteristic of American egalitarianism/populism weakens church membership and pastoral authority leading to fragmentation of churches/denominations as well as long term Christian relationships of accountability and commitment.
Reacting against the sexual revolution: 1) an emphasis on purity and the nuclear family that false elevates the degree to which a spouse can bring fulfillment, 2) an almost neurotic obsession w/ purity leading to all sorts of secret & ashamed deviance, 3) no place for celibacy.
Happy clappy praise music & liturgy which leaves no room for lament in the Christian life, leaving people completely unequipped to know how to rightly handle suffering and pain.
An individualism that makes it difficult or impossible to acknowledge systemic injustice and our culpability in it.
Desperate longing for cultural power leading to fawning over anyone famous (athlete, actor, politician) who is rumored to be a Christian, and then inviting them to speak at our conferences
Parallel institutions displaying a failure to be creative and a longing for the same attention and lifestyle: CCM, The Babylon Bee, Christian film industry, Christian dating apps, Christian coffee shops, etc.
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