Is Concurrent Mode just a workaround for “virtual DOM diffing” overhead? Some people got that impression. Let me clarify why we’re working on it. (Thread)
1. Time slicing keeps React responsive while it runs your code. Your code isn’t just DOM updates or “diffing”. It’s any JS logic you do in your components! Sometimes you gotta calculate things. No framework can magically speed up arbitrary code.
2. Making updates really fast is a great goal. However, how many of the interactions in apps you use are “very fast updates to existing nodes”, as opposed to “replacing a part of the screen with new content”? Go ahead and count them.
3. When you replace a part of screen with new content (like when you click on my tweet or scroll it down), there’s fewer shortcuts a library can do. You gotta create those DOM nodes, possibly transform the data, and run some calculations. This is CPU work.
4. You can optimize it somewhat. But this work has to be done. What’s interesting though — is *when* you do it. Traditional model is “fetch data, then mount”. This means you’re stuck wasting CPU cycles not doing anything useful while waiting for data and more code to arrive.
5. No amount of “reactivity” solves that. It’s not a problem of handling new inputs — it’s a scheduling problem. Concurrent React starts rendering “in memory” immediately, even while code and data for some components is still loading.
6. The goal is to be responsive regardless of whether CPU or IO is lagging behind. So you want to *interleave* CPU and IO work. Let components render “in memory” while data for others is still streaming in, and show the final result when it’s ready. Not “fetch and mount”.
7. Showing updates as fast as possible seems like an obvious goal. But is it, always? I don’t think it is when you fetch (IO). User perception research shows that a fast succession of loading states (flashing and hiding spinners) makes the transition feel *slower*.
8. So you wanna remove “virtual”. But if a UI library can’t start rendering code “in memory” and its every “render” has to produce an immediate visible UI update, it loses the ability to coordinate screen updates and optimize them for human perception.
9. You can’t be faster than “done”. Rendering “in memory” before all the data is ready is faster by definition than waiting for the whole thing. You can try to fix it by rendering to screen early — but showing loading states too fast feels janky and you get too many reflows.
10. CPU and IO are two sides of the same coin. You have to solve both. Removing “in memory” virtual representation means that for one of most common transitions (replacing part of a screen) you have to choose between janky loading sequence or starting work too late. Both suck.
11. What if there was a layer that, due to “virtual” component output, can start rendering as soon as you click (rather than when you finish fetching), continue in background as more code arrives, and coordinate screen paints for minimal jank and flicker? That’s Concurrent React.
12. When we started working on Concurrent React, we had no idea about the IO side of this question or coordinating loading states. But if you think about how to bring best experience to the user regardless of their network and device, you’re gonna have to think about IO a lot.
13. Concurrent React is still in development. It was a multi-year project. We are actively dogfooding it now, and there’s still work to polish the APIs and ensure common UI patterns are covered well. We want to make sure it’s super solid before it’s marked as stable.
14. I can’t resist some demo time. We’re currently working on new React DevTools. One of the ways it improves performance is by only serializing props for selected element. But do you see the downside of adding asynchronous data? Note the flashing “Loading...” in the right pane.
15. We can’t fetch that data “faster”. It’s asynchronous by nature. But what if we can let Concurrent React coordinate the screen updates for minimal jank? It looks like this. Right pane updates are slightly delayed but you can hardly perceive that. So smooth!
16. Our goal with Concurrent React is to make this experience the default. You don’t need to coordinate loading sequences for minimal jank — React does that. Computations don’t need to stall the thread either. And we can start work as early as possible thanks to being “virtual”.
17. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
18. I’m just gonna leave this here
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