We should applaud Lebanese govt. for stepping up against killing of migrant birds. It´s a depressing form of #wildlifecrime. But after reading many responses, I want to take a moment to make the unpopular point that #poachers are NOT evil people! 👇

#FlightForSurvival #EarthDay https://twitter.com/CABS_REPORTS/status/1119523130530201600
Firstly, I do understand the tenency to label #hunters stupid, evil, or worse. Believe me, I had those thoughts when confronted with illegal #raptor shooting @BatumiRaptors in Georgia. But to call these people evil is to deny their humanity and undermines #conservation solutions.
"What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave!"

It may sound cliché, but every person is capable of learning to taking pride in "senseless" killing like the #StorkKiller. I think I'd be a hunter too if I grew up in the context on the left instead of one the right.
Also, I have seen several racist reactions to reports of bird killings that are not reprimanded enough by the #conservation community. The scale of #poaching in Lebanon is very worrisome, but shooting and trapping birds is commonplace in rural cultures all over Europe.
On top of the 25 mill. birds that are illegally hunted in the Mediterranean, 52 million birds fall victim to LEGAL #hunting across the #EU every year! Lebanese shooting storks or Cypriots trapping blackcaps are not more evil than Belgians shooting ducks.

If you consider hunters 'evil' or 'stupid' you put yourself above them, and you lack empathy to foster responsible #hunting and to change attitudes (👇) where it's most needed. That's why I urge #conservation groups to distance themselves from such language! #FlightForSurvival
Rather than labeling hunters as 'evil', @BatumiRaptors set out to understand motivations of Georgian hunters. Through interviews Anna Sándor showed shooting is mainly recreational, but also an important part of hunters' identity, learned at young age.

None of the above negates the need to enforce hunting laws. But you can't force meaningful change without allies in the #hunting community. In Lebanon, where this thread began, @SpnlOrg is saving migrant birds by reviving 'Himas' for responsible hunting.

Analogously, a less well known #conservation success has been achieved in NE Turkey, where @WWF worked with falconers to stop killing of raptors as food for Sparrowhawks. A sustainable, and beautiful #falconry tradition now exists there.

In the long run, environmental education is vital to reduce the pressure of illegal #hunting on migrant bird populations. Again, fantastic work is being done in Lebanon in this regard by @SpnlOrg, @_OSME,... Check out this recent report for example:

In a similar vein, the @BatumiRaptors project has focused its #conservation efforts on developing ecotourism and training of young Georgians in conservation. Now we have the support of local govt. and communities. And thats key to work towards more responsible hunting attitudes.
This rant against public bashing of hunters may seem like some hippie BS to some, but I seriously worry that such hateful language leads to well-intended but ill-considered actions that fuel conflicts with hunters more than they bring positive change. Let´s all do better plz!
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