when people say they don’t understand the meaning of modern art, I always get so confused cause im just like “do you understand the meaning of the Mona Lisa?”
when people say they don’t understand modern art, what they often really mean is... “I don’t understand why people like this thing that I don’t like”
I don’t like the Mona Lisa. It doesn’t do it for me. Not because I don’t “understand it”. Or because I think it’s “dumb”. I don’t like it because I don’t like it. Do you like it? Good for you, I genuinely think that’s wonderful.
Then there are those peeps that deem the modern art world to be “fake” or “rigged” because all of the value and appreciation of it is socially constructed. Newsflash: there’s nothing inherent within the Mona Lisa that makes it worth millions. It’s all socially constructed.
When I was in Fort Worth, I went to the Bureau of Printing and saw millions of dollars being printed. Afterwards, I went to The Modern and saw pieces of art worth millions. It was a great juxtaposition. “Fake” money being used to value “fake” art. Yet it’s all “real”.
There’s a point in the money printing process where the notes are “done”, but still aren’t “worth” anything simply cause the government hasn’t recognized the batch as being worth anything. Nothing physical changes, but suddenly they cross an “imaginary” line to become valuable.
What sets apart the unknown artist from the one worth millions? Sometimes basically nothing except for social clout, connection, and a whole web of “made up” realities.

Modern art I think is just the most in-your-face manifestation of this phenomenon.
Unfortunately, a lot of artists wish they could just make stuff and people would find it valuable by default. The “if I make it they will come” mentality.

The sucky reality is if you want to make money, then you have to do more than just make art... you have to make value too.
Some people get lucky. Some work hard and do it intentionally. Some people don’t make money and that doesn’t mean their work isn’t good. It just means there isn’t monetary value assigned to it... yet.
Some people make money and maybe their art isn’t any “good”, but it’s extremely valuable due to the weird web of socially constructed realities.

In my opinion, when you make art you have to be very clear with yourself about what your intentions and goals are.
If you want to make art and money, then you have to make art and value.

If you want to just make art. Just make art and stop judging your success off of monetary.

If you want to enjoy art, then stop obsessing over what others like/assign value to. Find what you like.
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