I want to share 2 stories. Both of these women have recently been potentially diagnosed with cancer.

For now, I'll call them "woman on the left" and "woman on the right".

I want to share the differences in health care.

Please finish the thread to see how I know them.
Woman on the left is Dutch. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother.

Woman on the right is Indigenous. She is also a wife (widow), mother, and grandmother.
Woman on the left recently got a call saying she needs to go for further testing after results came back from a test she took a week ago.

Woman on the right has been waiting for further testing for months. Her scheduled MRI was just cancelled because the machine broke down.
Woman on the left has a specialist calling her within the next week for a biopsy.

Woman on the right has been waiting at home for months to be scheduled for the same procedure. It took a call from one of her sons threatening legal action to finally see some action.
Woman on the left got a call directly from her Dr.

Woman on the right didn't get any calls. It was not until legal action was threatened that her Dr. called her.
Both of these women deserve the same health care.

One gets faster results because of geography and race.

Woman on the left lives in the Edmonton area.

Woman on the right lives in the Arctic.
I truly love both of these women. I pray they both recover and come through and continue to live full lives.
Woman on the left is my wife.

Woman on the right is my Mother.
This is the reality of health care for Indigenous people. We get left behind. We don't get calls from our Dr.

We don't get the same urgency needed to save us from the same disease.

Our system needs changes.

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