A quick thread on the Dem's Worst Nightmare:

Everyone keeps saying that this person or that person is "the Dem's worst nightmare."

While it's probably true that the Dem's aren't sleeping very well right now, they have yet to confront the real force driving their fear.
The Dem's Worst Nightmare isn't Candace Owens or Trey Gowdy.

It's not Jack or Mike. It isn't Hannity or Tucker.

It's not Tom Fitton.

It's not AG Barr.

It's not Julian Assange.

It's not even President Trump.
The Dem's Worst Nightmare is us.

It's We The People.

You see, we now see through them.

We no longer take them at their word. We question their every motive. We speak up. We call them out.

Their Jedi mind tricks no longer work, because we see them for who they are.
Make no mistake, we hold ALL the cards. They know it.

They know that we'll follow their money. We'll investigate their relations, we'll scrutinize their transactions, and then we will pin them to the wall with their own words.

We're on to their games and we're done playing.
In every corner of this country, we are awake. We are informing ourselves. We are uniting. And we are angry.

They've lost control of all of us.

We have looked behind the curtain. Now we're ripping that curtain to shreds.

And we're just getting started.

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