Embracing the notion of "functions all the way down" is really cool

You don't need ifs. you don't need try catch. You don't need using. You don't need any special syntax. It's all functions. Internalize the elimination and introduction rules. See the arrows. Feel the arrows!
Sometimes special syntax can be nice. But I find it's always the best if it's just syntactic sugar that turns into normal plain old functions

Even pattern matching is just functions!

If you get to know and learn to love the functions, the word syntax starts getting in your way
You'll find yourself saying "why can't I pass an if expression to a function?"

"why can't I save this pattern match to a variable?"

"why is this type not a value I can operate on and pass as an argument to another function?"
These functions were discovered/created many decades ago and they will always exist, and I really appreciate when a language doesn't hide that fact and acts as if they've come up with some essentially new and interesting type of conditional that requires new special syntax
Get over yourself! It's just boolean induction, just give me the function or let me write it myself!
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