I'm afraid this is very much reminiscent of depiction of Jews in the German media. The warning lights are blinking all over. But can a similar fate be stopped? https://twitter.com/indscribe/status/1115640757182812161
"An illustration from a 1919 Austrian postcard showing a caricatured Jew stabbing the German Army in the back with a dagger." -Wikipedia
Jew -as portrayed in 1936 *children's picture book*. Compare with Muslim as portrayed above (first tweet).
One of visceral Nazi fears was of Jews enticing German women and vitiating the purity of the Aryan race.
Deutsche Pita ki Jai (DPKJ) -Germany for Germans only, Jews go to ...
Why do Jews live here when they have their own country?
Depiction of Muslims in the Indian/Sanghi media is eerily like that of Jews in the German media once 👆👇 https://twitter.com/MnshaP/status/1304700030297583617?s=19
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