Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men

May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry's Luciferic New World Order Plans.
On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient & Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short).
Illuminati was founded on a mixture of Masonic secrets (Luciferic Doctrine), Islamic Mysticism (Sufism), & Jesuit mental discipline (Hatha Yoga).
A unique & dangerous element was it's scientific use of the drug, hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind--derived directly through the Knights Templar's association with the Order of the Assassins (circa 1050 AD).
Illumination had long been a cherished component of Masonry & other occult groups. The Masonic candidate requests, & is promised "light in Masonry." As he goes up the ladder of initiation, he receives "more light".
It is because of this society's emphasis on illumination that the AISB became known by its more common title, the Illuminati.
The term Illuminati, is the plural of the Latin, Illuminatus, meaning "one who is illuminated." Thus, it means a person who has received the full extent of the initiation that is available through Freemasonry.
Technically, an Illuminatus is a Master Mason who has received all the "light" Masonry can bestow. He is beyond 32° & even beyond 33°! Such people are known as the Masters of Masters of the Temple, & collectively are known by several names other than the Illuminati.
The Illuminati is a modern vehicle of the Ancient Plan to Transform Society, the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government often called the New World Order, is a demonic organisation called the Illuminati.
Much has been written of this Secret Society from many perspectives & positions of varying ignorance. Therefore, an overview of its aims & function in the unfolding Evil Agenda will be given.
Illuminati was ostensibly the brainchild of an apparently Christianised Jew called Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), a young professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University who, apparently, provided much of the inspiration for Mary Shelley's "Baron Frankenstein."
When a child, his parents, who were Orthodox Jews, converted to the Roman Catholicism & instead of attending the yeshiva, young Weishaupt attended monastery schools & later a hochschule (high school) run by the Society of Jesus.
Thus, the Jesuits who were the principal agent of the Counter-Reformation educated him in their ways.
The Jesuits taught Weishaupt well, especially in their forte -subversion: that is, the conspiratorial methods of access to power. He later appeared to have rebelled against his masters & rejected the authority of the religious order & its Papal agenda.
A Danish merchant named Franz Kolmer, who had lived for many years in Egypt & had made several trips to the Great Pyramid of Gîza, is reputed to have initiated Weishaupt into a secret Gnostic doctrine based on Manichaeism.
Consequently, Weishaupt, we are informed, determined to destroy the corrupt power of the Jesuitical rule of Rome & help humanity back to the pristine Christian faith of the Gnostic martyrs.
Ecclesiastical forces that suspected the young man's humanist ideals opposed Weishaupt's appointment as Professor of Natural & Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in 1775.
Weishaupt was aware of the corruption & bigotry of the Church & therefore established an opposing party in the University to safeguard his position. This was as equally corrupt & bigoted although in the best traditions of venal liberalism in the guise of enlightened philosophy.
Weishaupt thus conceived of a close association of enlightened or intellectual men who supposedly would advance the moral & intellectual qualities of themselves as well as others, but in reality was a centre of corruption both moral & spiritual.
Where Weishaupt publicly asserted his aim was "to perfect & ennoble mankind" the real purpose was to so corrupt his disciples that they, by similar means, would corrupt all those they came in contact with.
This power base at Ingolstadt, & with his coterie of students, his "Areopagites," that initially consisted of five members, self-righteously calling themselves "reformist libertarians" & "partisans of absolute equality,"
was the beginning of the "Order of Illuminati" or the "Enlightened" that at first had no connection with Freemasonry. Weishaupt aspired to attract Europe's "best & brightest," to his order & was confident of its success:
"The pupils are convinced that the Order will rule the world. Every member therefore becomes a ruler. We all think of ourselves as qualified to rule. It is therefore an alluring thought both to good & bad men. Therefore the Order will spread."
Weishaupt also urged his followers not to shrink from committing acts of violence or to commit crime in meeting Illuminati objectives, writing, "Sin is only that which is hurtful, & if the profit is greater than the damage, it becomes a virtue."
This is, of course, a simple reformulation of the wicked Illuminati shibboleth, "the end justifies the means."
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