PSA to anyone who is confused about veganism 💛 What being vegan really means to us: (a thread) 🌱✨💚💕🌱
Being vegan does not mean that you do not care about other aspects of society. Yes being vegan is primarily built on animal rights, however human rights, climate change, unequal pay and mental health are just a few aspects of subjects we care about.
Animal agriculture is an animal rights issue, human rights issue and an environmental issue. Let me explain...
HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE #1: Low income minorities are taken advantage of to murder these animals which ends up in severe PTSD for the workers.
HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE #2: These companies are lying to us. The animals products they are producing are killing us slowly but surely.
HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE #3: Cheap fast food restaurants that sell animal products are predominantly seen in low income POC communities which is linked to many health problems that these communities have.
HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE #4: Studies have shown that animal products cause cancer among other diseases. Many companies that are fighting for a cure for these diseases are funded by those same companies that sell what causes these diseases. They’re tricking us out here.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #1: These innocent animals are being murdered against their will. That right there is reason enough to go vegan.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #2: It’s been proven time and time again that in this day and age there is no reason to still eat animals when there are a shit load of other options.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #3: It’s false that cows produce milk naturally. That is something we were conditioned to believe. Even I thought this when I was younger. Just like us women, cows have to get pregnant to produce milk. So the dairy industry has to forcibly impregnate them.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #4: Cows are put into what the dairy industry calls a “RAPE RACK” and forcibly impregnates the cows by inserting their arm in their anus in order to insert the sperm into the cow. Of course this is after forcibly getting the sperm from the bull.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #5: When the cow gives birth, their child is instantly taken away from them and they are left confused and scared. This process of artificial insemination and taking their child away is a repeated process on the same cows that are held in captivity.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #6: If the newborn calf is a male, it usually gets a bolt gun shot to the head or a sledgehammer to the head and is sold for veal.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #7: if the newborn calf is a female, they get treated the same way that their mother did. Forcibly impregnated, used to produce more milk than what they can, and their lives cut about 16 years short to be sold as meat, once they can’t produce milk anymore.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #8: Once the cow cannot produce milk anymore, they are sold for meat. They receive a bolt gun to the head and a knife across the throat and bleed out. Their body is then cut and ripped open. They are still conscious at this point.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #9: Pigs are reduced to eating each other which causes open wounds. They get their ears and tails cut off by workers. They also get slammed on the ground and stomped on by these workers.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #10: Pigs are either lowered into gas chambers to burn from the inside while screaming and thrashing or hung upside down and they receive a knife across the throat while screaming and thrashing as well. They feel everything...all for bacon.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #11: Baby male chicks are seen as useless and unprofitable to the egg industry because they cannot produce eggs so they are thrown into a grinder and are grounded up alive and fully conscious. Stop supporting the egg industry, please.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #12: The main issue is that these animals are bred into existence at these excessive amounts and they are being bred to be exploited. Don’t even get me started on our oceans and the sea animals.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #13: Sea animals ABSOLUTELY feel pain. That’s all I’m gonna say on that. Because even if they didn’t, we shouldn’t be exploiting them.
ANIMAL RIGHTS ISSUE #14: Our oceans are expected to be fish-less by the year 2048 due to overfishing, pollution, climate change and more. This leads me into how being vegan is about environmental issues as well.
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE #1: Animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to human made greenhouse gas emissions. It’s a leading cause of water and air pollution and deforestation.
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE #2: A plant based diet vs. beef. “ an average American diet, beef consumption creates 1,984 pounds of CO2e annually. Replacing beef with plants would reduce that figure 96 percent, bringing it down to just 73 pounds of CO2e.”
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE #3: If you say that you are an environmentalist, you should be vegan in order to avoid contributing to one of the leading causes of climate change and basically why our earth is dying.
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE #4: We have about 11 years until climate change is irreversible. Please act now.
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE #5: Even the UN has said that a vegan lifestyle can save the world from the most harmful effects of climate change and it can solve hunger. They said a vegan lifestyle is highly necessary.
No vegan has ever said that they 100% cause no harm to the environment, because it’s impossible. But by being vegan, you are causing a hell of a lot less damage than a meat eater.
Being vegan is about causing the least amount of damage possible. It’s about choosing an option that causes no harm to any sentient being or the environment.
It’s about knowing that there will be times that no matter what you do, it’s gonna have an effect on the environment, so you look for an option that has the least damage.
Sometimes there are things that as vegans we can have no control over and we understand that. It’s known in the vegan community that if you have to do something non-vegan for your health, then you are still vegan.
This means, getting vaccinated, taking pills etc. If it is a situation where you will die if you don’t do it, well then you better fucking do it.
Lastly, there is a difference between a plant based diet and vegans. Vegans have a goal to prevent the least amount of animal exploitation and environment damage in terms of what we use AND what we eat.
People on a plant based diet are doing it for their health; they typically don’t care about the 60 billion+ murders a year. Most will still wear leather, use animal tested products etc.
Vegans aim to help animals, the rights that humans have and the environment in everything that they do.
There are literally options for every non-vegan thing out there. I’m eating and using everything that I used to before I went vegan, the only difference is nobody died for it, nobody got it tested on them, and it’s helping the environment.
Please, DM me if you have any questions or need advice. I used to be skeptical because I was conditioned to eat animal products but then I saw the documentary “Earthlings” and my life changed forever and I couldn’t be happier. 💕
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