State of the Disunion

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Elon Musk and Peter Thiel start Paypal. Paypal is supposed to be digital money, also known as Bitcoin. It doesn't become Bitcoin, instead they sell it and use the cash to move on, starting Palantir, Space X, and Tesla. We don't know who started Bitcoin for sure at this time.
Palantir is named after the crystal ball of Sauron in The Lord of the Rings. It is a $1M piece of software people like Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump are rumored to have purchased. It likely powers their campaigns. However, note that one party is feeding data to opposing teams.
Tesla is not an auto play, it is an energy play. Space X is private, but it is acting as the new NASA. At one point Elon was spending $1M a minute. Only one place can print on cotton and linen that fast. Elon is not quiet about his desire to start a multi-planetary species.
Peter Thiel also backs Urbit. What is Urbit? Urbit is a personal server with 0 dependencies on legacy technology. It is structured in the following way. Galaxies make Stars, Stars make Planets, Planets make Moons, there are also Ships, and Cities. It is an OS for a new world.
Who started Urbit? Maybe you have heard of a man named Curtis Yarvin, or Mencius Moldbug. He is an Ivy League educated Computer Scientist who graduated with aspirations of winning the Turing Prize. He built Urbit for nearly two decades. Once it was finished he resigned.
Eric Weinstein, head of Thiel Capital, has had dinner with Yarvin, I believe on multiple occasions. However, when he speaks about it on Twitter he acts as though it wasn't planned, that they just happened to see each other there, even though they had very in depth conversations.
Mencius Moldbug is the head of the Neo-Reactionary movement, the Alt-Right, and what has become Metamodern Accelerationism. What is Accelerationism? If you don't believe in the thing with the most momentum accelerate it's demise. As Nietzsche says, "Push what is already falling."
What is most interesting about Moldbug/Yarvin? He is anti-democratic, which is nearly the most heretical thing you can be in America, a land known for thinking it was their job to stop Communist Dictatorships worldwide, even at the risk of our own soldier's lives.
Yarvin believes that countries should be ran like companies with an all powerful CEO at the top, much like a dictator. His defense? Hitler was elected democratically. He claims that American's need to get over their fear of dictators, that liberty and democracy are incompatible.
Who else resigned immediately after launching what seemed to be one of the most ambitious projects in the world? Satoshi. Why did he do it? So that the protocol could run without him being able to be held accountable for it. Yarvin calls himself Benevolent Dictator for Life.
Urbit's development team, including the CEO, claims that distributed ledgers were being used by Urbit prior to Bitcoin being released. This is interesting given they describe Bitcoin as money, Ethereum as law, and Urbit as land. Could Yarvin be Satoshi backed by Thiel?
Why would everyone need their own personal server? From a Libertarian perspective, what is more important than the control of one's own data? To go further, if Information Theory is the case, and consciousness is on-chain somewhere, then this becomes even more important.
Peter Thiel is an advisor to President Trump. Trump likely does not know he is being used. But he is being used to accelerate the demise of capitalism. Who is easier to manipulate than the man with the biggest ego given that you have the ability to put him "in power"? No one.
Moldbug/Yarvin, Thiel, and Musk also operates like Lenin/Stalin insofar as they play 4D Chess with society. This is how geniuses troll. For example, Yarvin seems to have used Bronze Aged Pervert to get one of his contacts to become a White House Correspondent for the Atlantic.
A lot of Donald Trump's actions seem non-sensical. Why is he so bent on giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weaponry? Why is he so willing to make a fool of himself to control the media cycle? Is he really that much of a genius or is he receiving play calls from Thiel and Yarvin?
Alex Jones claims that the Elite are building a breakaway civilization. Sound familiar now? That breakaway civilization will be entirely libertarian and multi-planetary. They will likely leave to test Mars as the first planet within the next 6 years. Musk and Thiel will not test.
I am sane, physically healthy, and in no way suicidal. My hope for the world is that we all find a way to flourish as individuals. This will take a lot of communication. Communication is a necessarily social endeavor. Treat others as you want to be treated. Assume no NPCs.
I should also say I have no inside sources. 🤣

All of this information is public. All I used was Google, YouTube, and Twitter to piece this together. They aren't really trying to hide any of this. Also, I could be wrong about parts, or perhaps the entire thing. I'm open to that.
The name of the company is Tlon. "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" is a short story by the 20th-century Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. The story was first published in the Argentine journal Sur, May 1940:
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