There have now been two separate attempts to formally attack my license, both of which I have responded to strongly, since they are baseless and gross mischaracterizations of my work. 1/
When ppl submit formal complaints to a licensing board abt a practicing clinician, it’s usually client/former client who feels maligned & harmed by direct personal interaction. In both complaints against me, however, it was an activist-clinician who wrote into the board. 2/
One is from an activist & sex therapist with whom I’ve never even spoken. The other complaint was really shocking since it was submitted by a former colleague of mine with whom I felt a strong sense of mutual respect and camaraderie during our time working together. 3/
The lack of professionalism/integrity displayed with this covert act of aggression has been very sobering. When colleagues don’t even attempt to reach out to one another to discuss their concerns, and instead go after someone’s livelihood, the whole profession feels degraded 4/
My therapeutic approach is grounded in foundational ethics of clinical practice- comprehensive assessment, individualized treatments,, considering comorbidities, exploring identity formation, accepting homosexuality, a least-invasive-first approach to alleviating distress, etc 5/
so the fact that it’s sometimes called “controversial” should raise a red flag about the novel and unscientific recommendations being pushed by gender identity organizations (and now by the APA) 6/
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