Okay soooo
I’ve taken 3 solo trips and this by far was my favourite
Japan has been on my list for a very long time and I love Cherry Blossoms(Sakura) so I had to be there for the flower viewing(Hanami)
My flight was longgg but it was definitely worth it, approximately 16 hours?
I was there for 9 days but it definitely wasn’t enough
I think I only got about a third of the way through the list of things I wanted to do/visit
The people:
Japanese people are very polite.
The whole staring stopping to take pictures thing?
Maybe it only applies if you’re super tall and black because they did not give af about my short ass
That’s not to say I didn’t get a few looks, but it was nothing serious
I think it depends on where you are in Japan as well, in Tokyo literally nobody cares. There are uncles out there speaking Japanese and hustling, they’re used to us. When I went to Hiroshima and Kyoto though it was a bit different
Little children were curious and the elderly seemed to take interest in my hair(or lack of), but nobody ever actually approached me, touched me, took pictures of me(A Chinese lady at Beijing airport did though)
Speaking Japanese:
My Japanese learning hasn’t been consistent sooo I’m quite useless, I knew a few words before I went but nowhere near enough
There a quite a few English speaking people in Japan, but do not rely on English.
Also it’s just rude to go to another country and make no effort to speak to the people there in their own language
I took a Japanese Survival Communication class whilst I was out there which was very helpful. Made ordering/looking for food and finding locations a lot easier
At first glance the train system in Tokyo is the most confusing thing you will ever see
Butttttt the more you use it the easier it gets
They have their own version of Oyster cards called IC cards, you can basically top them up and tap in and out of your journeys, they can be used on the subway, buses, streetcars(trams) and vending machines :)
There are different types of IC cards, I used the Pasmo one
Japan Rail Pass is another major key. Gives you free travel on all the JR train lines, so this includes the Tokyo Train lines and the Bullet Trains that go to the rest of Japan
I got my Pasmo card and my Japan Rail Pass from https://m.japan-rail-pass.co.uk/mobile/#nav 

I also got a Data SIM card, a lot of places have WiFi but when you’re trying to explore that’s a myth, so I’d deffo recommend one of those also
The currency is Japanese Yen, £1 is around JP¥145
Now although the exchange rate is high, Japan isn’t cheap, I’d say it’s the same as London tbh
Street/Fast food generally ranges from JP¥500 - JP¥1000
They do not tip in Japan, they see it as disrespectful to an extent
Went to a cafe for my Japanese class and the people I was with tried to leave a tip, we walked about halfway down the road and the cafe owner ran after us to return it. Do not tip lol
Random info:
Escalators, you stand on the left and walk on the right
Japanese people don’t really walk and eat unless it’s ice cream
There are no bins on the street, hold your rubbish until you get to a building or train station
Vending machines are everywhere, you can never go thirsty, majority serve both hot and cold drinks
One of the most useful apps NAVITIME
It allows you to plan your days and keep note of spots you want to visit, and it’s also a journey planner. If you’re using a Japan Rail Pass it will give you routes to utilise it and not spend any extra money
I got lost loads of times but it would’ve been worse without the app lool
Another useful app is imiwa? https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/imiwa/id288499125?mt=8
This is a language app, it’s essentially a dictionary but provides examples of how to use words and phrases
Oooh important
If you have tattoos you will be denied entry to spas and swimming pools, even the ones in your hotels. If you can’t cover them up don’t bother. No splash for you (no splash for me 😪)
So I stayed at a mixture of Hotels and Airbnb’s
Airbnb’s no shows can be worn in the property. Slippers will greet you at the front door
Hotel staff speak basic English and are very polite. Hotels are definitely the more expensive option no matter where you stay unless it’s a cabin hotel. Also you get pyjamas everywhere :)
Cabin hotels are very cool, but not for me, I was supposed to stay in 2 but I couldn’t hack it lol. It was beautifully clean but the one experience was enough. Remembering to take a key card to use the bathroom is a lot of effort for the lazy
I don’t think I have anything else to actually talk about so I’m just going to post pictures/vids of places I went and things I liked
Sakura 🤗
Sensoji Temple
Tokyo Skytree Tower (the tallest tower in the world)
Matsumoto Catstle
Sanjūsangen-dō Temple
By far the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen, you’re not allowed to take pictures/videos inside the actual temple so I can only show the outside
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
I shed some real thug tears walking around here, seeing what it was before and what it is now made me sick to my stomach
teamLab Planets
Body immersive art which was a LOAD of fun.
There are secret rooms too, I never found any because I’m useless but 🤷🏾‍♀️
Harajuku Mame-Shiba Cafe
People were sitting under the Sakura having full picnics with their mates, by force I’ll be doing the same next year. Anyone interested in coming on my next trip please let me know 😊

Thank you for coming to my TED talk
Oh wait
One thing I forgot, cost.
My return flight was £495, booked in December.
Hotels and Airbnb’s cost me around £900
I took £500 for the 9 days, which was around JP¥70,000
The amount I took would’ve been enough if I didn’t spend over JP¥15,000 on Kobe Beef 🙃
Which I would like to add, was worth the money. Best steak I will ever eat in my life, no regrets – bei Atelier 森本 XEX
Gonna occasionally drop random pics and vids because I miss it. I took almost 1,000 pics and videos so I have content for days lol
The apartments you see in anime’s are literally how they are in real life 😭
When I went to get my tattoo done, I went the the artists apartment(because she tattoos there) and it was so surreal.
I literally just stopped in my tracks like “I’ve seen this before”
Basically a tour of Kawaii culture in Harajuku. It was extremely cheesy but a lot of fun.
Mayno who runs the tour is extremely lovely and her English is almost better than mine
Pak knows some of the best spots in Tokyo to take pictures. You’ll spend a lot of time walking but you’ll end up seeing parts of Tokyo you never would on your own. You will absolutely need an IC card for this.
Kit Kat’s!
There are sooo many types of Kit Kat in Japan, I even saw a grape flavoured one
They absolutely love it out there
They make great souvenirs until you taste one and realise you’re not interested in sharing at this point in time
You’re gonna go to Japan and you’re going to want to try matcha ice cream


I was so angry because it was so cute but tasted so painful
Shibuya Crossing

I’m short so the angles aren’t great init
Annoyed I didn’t go here high
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