To get an understanding of a bigger picture, I recommend reading my last two threads on Islam & the West and Obama and Chicago

Now, without further ado

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

Thread: Patriots vs Renegades

'Defending Home Court'
1) Obama was a little known Senator back when he announced his candidacy in 2007. His political portfolio was thin, butit did not stop him from running. Its almost like he was jumping in the race to save the day. But for who?
2)In the 1980s, working for the IAP of Saul Alinsky, Obama would then serve on boards of foundations that supported community organizing; teaching the concepts and methods of Alinsky in workshops. He was often seen in circles in his early political career w/ Rod Blagojevich.
3)In 1996, after four years at the state level, Blagojevich was elected to Congress. With good funding, Rod ran successful campaigns and never lost an election. A Syrian man named Antonin "Tony" Rezko was backing Blagojevich's campaigns.
4) Rezko assisted Blagojevich in setting up his administration after being a major contributor to his successful Governorial election, and as a result, he was able to have business associates appointed on several state boards.
5) Rezko raised up thousands of dollars when Obama needed money in his 2000 losing Congressional campaign. Rezko hosted dinners to raise money for Obama's Senate run. Some of the participants would later be involved in a Federal case
6) In 2004 Obama attended two events hosted by Rezko honoring Nadhmi Auchi, who was convicted of corruption charges in 2003 for buying politicians in the French government. Auchi is a former longtime member of Saddam' regime. Some say the two were cousins. I wasn't able to verify
7)Rezko had raised tens of thousands of dollars for the then-Illinois state senator’s successful U.S. Senate run. Just 23 days after receiving $3.5 million from Auchi, Rezko assisted Obama in purchasing a Mansion before starting his term as Senator.
8) Rezko’s wife purchased and then resold to the Obamas a side yard to the home they could not afford initially. Rezko had no financial source apart from Auchi, his partner of over a decade. Rezko was also the source of the financing for Obama's $2.3 million Mansion.
9) In October of 2006, Rezko was indicted by federal Grand Jury on business fraud and influence peddling charges, involving the administration of Gov Rod R. Blagojevich
10) Days after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush met with members of the Islamic community, including one of Cair's founders, Nihad Awad.

*Take note of this for a comparison later
11) In 2001, A memorandum was found, during one of the raids at the office of Youseff Nada, the Muslim Brotherhood's main financier. It layed out the plans to inflitrate the United States through diplomatic means, followed by a "Grand Jihad"
12) It stated, Quote: "The brothers must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated"
13)In '03, Bassem Khafagi, former Director of Community Affairs at CAIR, pleaded guilty to 3 federal counts of bank and visa fraud and agreed to be deported to Egypt. In '04 Director of CAIR in Virginia Abdurahman Alamoudi pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges related to terrorism
14)In 2008, In the U.S. v the Holy Land Foundation, CAIR was identified as a Muslim Brotherhood front group and was named an unindicted co-conspirator. The HLF founders were hit with 108 counts, including material support for terrorism, tax fraud and money laundering
15) The Bush administration was on its way out and many of the unindicted co-conspirators investigations were still in process. 

Robert Mueller would remain on as FBI Director. (There's more to this)
16) Obama was elected President in November 2008 and took office in January 2009. The following month the Treasury Department stopped blacklisting domestic charities that collect funds for terrorist organizations. Mosques were later removed by Obama from the FBI watch list.
17) Obama invited the Muslim Brotherhood to his speech in Cairo, even though it was a banned organization in Egypt at the time — and although only a few months earlier the HLF trial proved the existence of a Brotherhood plot to infiltrate our country
20) According to an unidentified official of the Justice Dept, this decision to quash charges (including against CAIR) was made not because of lack of evidence but because of political consideration: specifically, to promote "outreach" to Muslims (a priority for the Obama admin)
21) On April 2, 2009, Rod Blagojevich was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury for attempting to sell Obama's Senate Seat. 8 months later, Blagojevich joined the cast of the TV show "Celebrity Apprentice run by Donald J Trump

Wonder where Trump got the birth certificate thing from?
22) Louie Gohmert's exchange with Eric Holder about not prosecuting the un-indicted co-conspirators. Gohmert inquired about ISNA, one of the organizations that were found to be financially supporting HAMAS, and founder Mohamed Magid who visited the Obama White House several times
23) In 2011 with the help of Obama, Egypt fell back into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. They achieved their 84-year dream to reinstate full sharia in Egypt.
24) Gomert asks Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about an advisory council in DHS that Mohamed Majid and Mohamed Elibiary are involved with. Elibiary downloaded classified information fhis using his top-secret clearance and began to sell the information
25) Gohmert and Holder engaged in a war of words over the release of documents on the Holy Land Foundation and its 2008 provision of funding to Hamas. Holder threatens Gohmert.
26) On July 12, 2012, Michelle Bauchman sent letters to various Inspector Generals warning that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the U.S. government--and that it had ties to her fellow Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison.
27) Terms that define and identify terrorists were scrapped from FBI training manuals. Obama admin classified the materials to prevent Gohmert and Bachmann from telling what was found. "I can’t tell you what was in there, but I can tell you there were verses from the Koran,”
28) Obama did alot to fundamentally change America.

We are in the back end of what was suppose to be the 16 years decline of America.

The fact that un-indicted co-conspirators from terrorism-related cases are roaming the halls of our Congress is astonishing to say the least.
29) They infiltrated various of our Agencies. Stole laptops and classified information.

They've pretended to be one of us to carry out attacks on our Troops.

Like the shooting at Fort Hood Military base, where Hasan yelled "allahu akbar" as he shot at his fellow military men
32) The even blame our President for a shooting he had nothing to do with

This is the same person who stood behind President Bush after the 9/11 attacks, staring into space.

Now he blames our President for NZ.

Check out the comparison
33) Do you find it alarming that while Congress is actively fighting to repeal the 2nd Amendment for American, Broward County Deputy Sheriff and Cair's Executive Director, Nezar Hamze is encouraging members in Mosques to buy firearms and teaches gun training courses?
34) There are more than 90k sealed indictments. What are the chances that President Trump will finish the prosecution of the un-indicted co-conspirators like CAIR and others.

What is Horowitz and Mueller's background?

73 Inspector Generals

Bigger than you can imagine?
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