tips for dating fat people😊
Firsttttttt if fatness is part of a fetish for you DISCLOSE THAT. some of us ARE freaky with our fat but some of us ARE NOT. DO NOT FORCE YOUR VANILLA FAT PARTNER TO PARTICIPATE IN KINKS THEY DO NOT KNOW YOU ENJOY.
meeting fat people online just to go on a date in your car....😖 A DATE CAN BE STAR GAZING ON A BLANKET IN A FEILD! If you're low on gas, reschedule! If you're not feeling mentally well, reschedule! Bring your best self to the date because MOST fat people who are dating ARE!
respect fat women who don't suck dick. respect fat women who don't suck dick. respect fat women who don't suck dick. respect fat women who don't suck dick. respect fat women who don't suck dick. respect fat women who don't suck dick. respect fat women who don't suck dick.
If you're only into sexual relationships with fat people SAY THAT SHIT. don't let us catch you on the gram with your skinny girlfriend, be transparent and maybe you might get some fat fat but lying and flexing like youre down when you're not will get you bopped
Be a source of positivity, compassion and friendship for your fat partner. The world is rough with us, be gentle and show us love in every aspect. Run our fat ass feet, make us a plate and stimalute our mind. We deserve it.
If you see a fat person and you think wow they have such a pretty face, keep it there. in your heard, only report that shit when you have less vapid observations because trust they've 1. heard that before and 2. now have more confirmation that your face is your only saving grace
your fat partner doesn't necessarily need to know they're the first fat person you hAve ever dated, they just need to know you are there for them. not our fat, not our socialized and expected submissive nature, not our ability to survive on less love than we are expected to give.
if you're not ready to be seen with your fat partner/crush and claim them - KEEP IT. there are so many fat people who are looking for and who deserve love ON TOP and UP FRONT.
Be open to redefining sex- If they can't reach, get a toy that can. If they're feeling tired, take a break and give each other massages. There are so many ways to connect physically with fat people, GET CREATIVE
Consider how fatphobia has informed our behavior. Maybe that fat cutie you like doesn't even think they have a chance because of the way fat love/appreciation has been fetishized while also invisiblized. Maybe they are inexperienced in any kind of love. Consider that.
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