April 2018 opened my eyes.

Don't let rabbit holes depress you - compartmentalize. We fight for them. Positive energy makes you a more effective warrior. Stay happy, healthy w/laughter, love, people, nature.

WARNING: Not for the faint of heart.
Book from link
Chapter 8. Queen Winfrey's Croquet-Ground
James Gunn

click 1: friend
click 2: friend's brother, restaurant by @ the grove.
click 3: the grove has no tweets, follows 0, followed by 183
click 4:

Evidence, Proof v. Digs, Connections, Symbolism

No proof of wrong doing in this thread. Digs are part of Great Awakening - not evidence for juries. Important distinction.
Gunn's friend
Most of the accounts are locked

Q knows how bad it is. If we wake up, they won't get away with it so easily.
Gunn remains friends with his ex-wife, Jenna Fischer, who is good friend of Rainn Wilson.
Jenna Fischer claims to support Rainn's Haiti charity. She's also an advocate for Donate Life.
I feel very conflicted about posting digs like this.
Again, apologies, but some of us must take the redpill to stop this evil.

Virtually every worldwide charity for children is a trafficking front.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Save the Children
Care for Children
Symbolism: small shape inside larger
They use the Stars. Not sure what the symbol represents.
Apparently each Royal gets an assignment.

British Consul-General Ms. Caroline Wilson, HRH Prince Michael, Care for Children Founder Mr. Robert Glover OBE

Photo from article.

British Consul-General Ms. Caroline Wilson, HRH Prince Michael, Care for Children Founder Mr. Robert Glover OBE
One rabbit hole leads to another. British Consul-General Ms. Caroline Wilson.
Lumiere London city's largest light festival returns ... posted on their FB page.
Previously wouldn't think anything of this children's book. They know we're too innocent to see - amuses them to hide in plain sight.

Symbolism: Cannibalism, pedophilia.
- BFG (Big Friendly Giant) rescues orphan girl from cannibal giants
- children from different countries have different flavors
- movie shows him helping her bath, etc.
- dreams
- lives happily ever after living with her


- kids in cages
- pizza
- one eye
Melania's Zara's jacket set off digs into their social media. Wow.
When Q talks about Justice, they mean it.
Many heroes.

The choice to know will be yours.
(to be continued ...)
Are Catholics the only ones?

Who are you taught to trust the most?
This will not be easy.
The END.
Fiona Barnett makes claims about Billy Graham.
Fritz Springmeire makes similar claims.
They use good people for cover.
Connections; no conclusions.
Laura Silsby wasn't the only one grabbing kids out of Haiti.
Mormons were there too, affiliated w/orphanage sponsored by Clinton Foundation.

How deep does it go?
Does it infect the top of many? https://twitter.com/WellHellsBells_/status/1109213879685529602
So many celebrities in Haiti.

Seems like cabal gains control in stages:
1) entice w/riches and fame
2) blackmail
3) eventually choices boil down to prison, death or trafficking.
Franklin Graham's training center, The Cove. 😯
Noah Zylstra was one of Graham's interns at The Cove
- from small town of Mollie Tibbetts
- RT'd shortly before she went missing

... so many coincidences.
Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon was July 27, 2018.
Mollie went missing July 18th, found dead August 21st.
Noah & Mollie were from small town of Brooklyn, Iowa, population 1,400.

Not something to joke about, while looking for his missing friend.
I could do a whole thread on Mollie Tibbetts. Last RTs were Donate Life account, Witch account, Noah Zylstra ...
Penultimate RT by Mollie was Knight Templar article by Witch, Sybil Lee.
Sybil Lee also joked about sacrifice on July 27th, Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse.
#Q1894 Q is telling us human sacrifice is real. Does one elevate their status by offering a child?

Difficult to comprehend.
Don't stay in the rabbit hole. Q asks us to research, but keeps our spirits up.

Have faith.
For God & Country
Hollywood pedophiles & child actors. Leonardo Dicaprio.

Video by Owen Benjamin. Suspended from Twitter.

Matthew McConaughey & Texas AG Ken Paxton team up to end human trafficking.... or maybe not. Learn about Virtue Signaling. It's an important map.

Number listed: 1 (888) 373-7888, The Clinton Foundation. #Q1830
How long? Centuries ... they say.
Hard to tell involvement levels by Stars
- victims
- symbolism
- honeypot/blackmailed participation
- eager indulgence

I don't believe Kurt was one of ((them)). Many claim his death was murder.
1972 famous Rothschild Illuminati Party. Symbolism.

Beautiful Audrey Hepburn. They use and destroy anyone of beauty.

Audrey worked for UNICEF in her old age. Was she coerced into trafficking for them? We're told death is the only way out of the Illuminati.
Born w/defective wiring, they don't process emotions: love, empathy. Years of practice, fool everyone. Poppy Bush, Priests, etc. Pillars of community.

Confessions of a Sociopath - most helpful book I ever read. Inside view of their minds. Finally, an explanation. She nailed it!
Demand is real, Mexico -big supply line.

Republicans suck at messaging. Dry facts, statistics v. emotional stories. So many kidnapped children. Tell stories of those Mexican parents. Put every bleeding-heart liberal in tears. Easily duped but THEY CARE.

They'd beg for #TheWall.
Pedo-satanism is real. It's not just art. It's not just edgy jokes.

-Child Sex Slaves
-Human Sacrifice
Long before Q and before I learned scale of child trafficking, I investigated America's laws, child agencies, non-profits -looking for answers.

Help is not available for abused children.

Good volunteers & a few good deeds shield the dark side. Truth would put 99% in hospital.
My investigation took me across the country, interviewing attorneys, police, shelters, runaway agencies, CPS, social workers.. It won't fit on a twitter thread.

Our laws: legal matrix, trapping abused children. Criminalizing grandma if Johnny sleeps on her couch. Now we know why
Back to symbolism. The open, floppy heart if their new symbolism. Signal to those in the know. Most have heard Laura Silsby worked for Amber Alert, and Brian Podesta worked for NCMEC.

((They)) took over EVERYTHING during the Obama/Clinton years.
National Safe Place Network.
Open floppy heart. It's everywhere.
Laurie Jackson, President of Safe Place. Resume is worth a closer look.

Worked at Cedar Youth Center in Lincoln, Nebraska during the Franklin Coverup years. Moved after story became public. Kentucky is known for CPS abuse and medical kidnappings.
Franklin cover-up book, documentaries on YouTube - critical to grasp depth of this. Child victim, Alisha Owen was sent to prison for refusing to recant her story.

Fiona Barnett's Candy Girl documentary also big puzzle piece. I find her very credible, has stood test of time.
Poppy Bush, William Cohen, Maine. Stories have leaked over the years but are quickly buried, become distant memories. Journalists and investigators who try to expose them usually end up dead. Piles of bodies. You have no idea.

Just last summer Jen Moore died in her hotel room.
Many public whistleblowers are fly traps, DO NOT trust them. Jen Moore reached out to Robyn Gritz right B4 she died. *Gritz investigated plane that hit Pentagon on 9/11. You can add 2+2, right?

Whistleblowers I know are in hiding --REAL danger.
God bless Mike Gill, a rare hero.
Sorry, need to be more clear. Robyn Gritz is a fraud. True FBI whistleblowers have bigger crimes to expose than not getting a promotion.

And if you hadn't heard yet, there was NO PLANE!! Gritz is a liar, likely working for the criminal Deep State.
#Q3134 links to Rachael Chandler page. Q is telling us there are MANY child handlers. Epstein flight logs, yes they went to Maine on occasion.

This is complete speculation, but take a look.
Pic from link. http://www.rachelchandler.us/ 

The Great Awakening is what ((they)) fear most; it's the only thing that will stop them.

We face the ugly truth for them.
When you're awake and you visit the Brussels Airport (EU headquarters). đŸ€ź
You start seeing symbolism everywhere. Ice cream, baby products.

Unilever owns virtually every brand of ice cream in Western Hemisphere. We know the Cabal controls the media. Their transnational conglomerates consolidate ownership of consumer products. They 💗symbolism.
General Flynn was trying to warn us about Weiner's laptop contents before the 2016 election. He risked his life doing this. They HAD to silence him. https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/794651828981993473
Gen. Flynn made sure Hillary didn't win -- at great cost. He campaigned hard in fall of 2016, when many in GOP were trying to undermine Trump.

Eye on the Prize. Soon..
- Mueller Report,
- IG Report,
- Huber investigation,
- Over 80,000 sealed cases
Clarification: Not all public whistleblowers are bad -if you misinterpreted post. I didn't account for low IQ readers who lack reasoning skills. My bad.

Whistleblowers risk their lives, & have to be extremely cautious. Many sympathetic figures are working for the enemy, not all.
I don't have the heart to drop the worst info I have.

Virtually every Runaway agency, charity, non-profit, shelter, homeless youth center across America is connected.

#ChildTrafficking #OrganHarvesting
They funnel the most troubled, abused vulnerable teens into trafficking operations.

DAMN you if you haven't figured out politicians & judges are behind it. No more ignorance. We have to END IT!

http://Backpage.com  Docu -very important. JudgesRpedos
Tacking on my Kate Spade thread. It's short. https://twitter.com/WellHellsBells_/status/1111474845781540864
You can follow @WellHellsBells_.
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