Under communism everything was terrible. You'd have to share your car, your work space, and at the end of the day live in a shitty sexless tenement!
People were just locked up in gulags for nothing and foreigners looking for a better life were often forced into shitty conditions.
Even your own kitchen table will not actually be 'yours'. How could you feel secure in that system?
Sure, maybe your education is free in communism, but make no mistake, the state considers the very blood in your veins to be theirs for the taking.
At the end of the day communist can not be equal because the communist ruling class will only live in cities and they'll abandon regional interests. You'll have forgotten countries that only exist to fund cash for the ruling communist elite.
Because communism runs your life your complete lack of autonomy will be used because the ruling elite will effectively seal themselves off from the consequences of their decisions. They will lead an austere gilded life and contribute to propaganda while you toil.
This is why capitalism is so great, the people making decisions are at the whims of the market and the market can respond against their interests if they so choose.
You might ask about the concentration of wealthy, but ultimately voters win elections, not money, and as such politicians and those seeking political office focus on constituents, if anything the rich should be concerned.
wealthy interests*
The way the state just tramples your rights in a communist country is obscene on a fundamental level. There's no true rule of law the moment it's inconvenient and the answer to every question is the state cracking down on the people it's supposed to help to subjugate them.
A communist state simply doesn't care about you, they view your existence in terms of hours and $ generated to perpetuate their massive superstructure and they can't justify anything on moral terms, basic human decency is just measured in costs. You are a faceless variable.
Basic comforts are denied because the communist state is focused on it's needs, not yours. It permeates even at work as you're told exactly what to do, killing free thought that the market allows venues for, meanwhile their political elite have autonomy unseen in history
If you're competent and have a great idea, you can make loads of cash and the best part is capitalism ensures only the cream rises to the top because there's incentive for honesty. It's totally not an elaborate system that relies on fraud and creating demand through marketing.
If you're staring at this thread and wondering what the fuck it's about, there's an entire generation of people that were told repeatedly what the evils of international communism are.
That generation then saw a murderous crusade with a staggering body count, their parents and friends parents lose their homes and jobs, then a president with unprecedented modern control hand the nations keys over to the very banks that fucked it over.
In short, we've grown up with capitalism doing all the babayaga shit of communism. Rapid stratification, regional abandonment, insecurity, wealth inequality increasing rapidly, etc.

On top of those, we have new fears. The complete commodification of every single thing we see.
The elites shot for well managed capitalism was a decade ago. They could have paid off the defaulted houses, thrown a couple of bankers in prison, and stopped bombing people with flying killer robots.
Most young people do not fear communism, they absolutely fear the further commodification of every single thing in their life and the growing insecurity that comes with reducing human beings to interest paying units to be tranched out.
This doesn't mean they're all fans of communism by any stretch, or even a majority, but there's 75m young people and they want radical redefining change and the amount that want radical change (of any variety) only grows the more they get squeezed.
I do a lot of work right now with people aged 18-23, and one thing that's shocking (and wonderful) is HOW far to the left they are. I was considered a radical for opposing OIF and egging the motorcade, these kids having M4A and isolationism as basic starting points.
That's all. Thanks.
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