All the anti-trans groups and agitators in the uk, have at some time or another set-up crowdfunders and raised thousands overnight. Quite often filled with significant anonymous donations of 100s or 1000's.

This is a thread about the dark money funding anti-lgbt groups.

Lets set the scene.......

So we know there are networks of far-right, religious, transphobic and anti lgbt groups.

One such group is common knowledge called 'Hands across the aisle'.

The figurehead of which is Kaeley Triller

Here are some of the groups involved in Hands across the isle, a direct US to UK channel.

Here is Kaeley approaching Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (Posie Parker) after Posie was banned from twitter for hateful conduct, and ex-communicated from WPUK for eugenic and racist leanings.
Kellie herself raised over 12k using crowdfunders, including this generous 'anonymous' donation of £1,600 among others....

Lets not forget Kellie and friends' jaunt over to the US recently to fulfil some 'obligations' for the heritage foundation.
They attacked a trans woman working for Human Rights Campaign, working towards the equality act and protections for lgbt and minorities.

Transgender Trend another member of the Hands across the aisle 'coalition' also raised almost 15k with crowdfunders, including some more 'anonymous' generosity.
Probably the most high profile, raised the most money, and would have directly impacted GRA reform, was ex-Labour Party member Jennifer James, who raised 30k, with also many 'anonymous' generous donations.
Also Fairplay for women, are on the list, and have spent extravagant amounts of money on full page ads, some estimated to cost £40k.

Ever wonder why there is a moral panic about trans people using toilets and sex-segregated spaces, even though trans people have had these freedoms since 2010?
Its because the argument is lifted from a different legal landscape, and people are earning by sharing regardless.
I tiny bit more on that here, and a snippet from 'lifesitenews' an anti-lgbt, conservative-christian outlet.
It is not just the Uk, that is targeted, but many places in europe that have a far-right base.

Kellie/Posie has become a bit of an errand girl for these far-right groups, wouldn't it be ironic if she turned up somewhere with a known far-right base in europe, like the Nordic Resistance Movement, say somewhere like, I dunno..... maybe ..... Norway?

These groups and ideologies are using transphobic moral panics as a wedge issue.
If you think trans people are the only target, and you are not straight, white, cisgender, able bodied, and possibly blonde-hair blue-eyed. I suggest you'll be in for a rather nasty shock.

I don't mean to seem dramatic or apocalyptic, but we either embrace and trust each other and our differences and learn to see through the propaganda, hate, and misinformation or we may as well crowdfund a big fuck-off nuclear bomb and start over!

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