This is what people don't get.

Few #ChronicPain patients medicate to "no pain."

We medicate to "can now function most days."
Some people.who aren't in #ChronicPain ask why this particular point is important.

That's because we're attacking a perception that has taken our medications from us.
The perception is that we're all sitting around doors up and high on opiates all the time.

Meanwhile only 3% of all people are prone to addiction.
They're trying to punish 97% of us for Literally no scientific reason and skewed, flawed data.
And the torture of the #ChronicPain patient isn't saving ANY lives that wouldn't be saved by simply screening for addiction and treating addicts.
Imagine your leg is broken and hurts like hell. Or for ladies, you get the worst period of your life.

Now imagine your leg heals but you have broken leg pain FOREVER.

Or you have the worst period of your life EVERY DAY.
You go to doctors. It's a decade before you *finally* find someone to believe you.

Meanwhile you're missing work, love, life because you are too sick to participate.

But there's no sick note from a doctor. So up until now you've slipped into poverty.
You want to do as much as you can to get back into life, but like most people, want the lesser amount of drugs possible.

Because you believe all the false data about physical dependency vs addiction.
You have a great doctor that explains that you wouldn't be addicted, but that your body would be physically dependent on it.

Which is completely different than feeling like you need them to get high.
Of course, like most patients, you never took enough to be high in the first place.

You can't possibly take enough to stop the pain and be awake. So what's even the point.
(The few of us who have been put on the really strong stuff in the hospital will also tell you that mostly it's a shitty "high" anyway.

It feels like a super-dose of anxiety, not really great weed.)
Anyway, when they finally convinced you to take the drugs?

When you do the other 3-6 things you have to do to keep the pain at bay?

You can work!
You can live. You can go to the store. And you had taken it for granted and you have a life again!
This is all we want. Our lives back.

We just want back in to society.

Disability is hard to get and to keep it you have to be in poverty and never have fun on camera again.
This slow slide to a place where they don't even out you under for invasive surgery?

Like happened to me 32 days ago? Has been happening for 15 years.
We have begged. We have cried. We have died. No one has been listening.

And many of us care barely move to protest some days.
We're being thrown out like garbage. Human beings. In pain you can't begin to understand.

So billionaires can have 100 cars instead of 80. 14 homes instead if ten.
They get people to vote for the rich so they can get close enough to a win to cheat.

Then they start with the people with the least ability to fight and steal their money to fund their frivolity.
And when no one stops them they get bolder and bolder until they have everyone's money.
That. Is why it matters.
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