The case for Gaddafi

An open ended thread covering the lies, reasons for, and results of, the 2011 war. With highlights of the philosophy, structure & history of Jamahiriya.
9/1/69 Brother Leader takes over Libya from King Idris in a bloodless coup.

10/20/11 it was all over
The summary of the report also notes that the war "was not informed by accurate intelligence." It adds, "US intelligence officials reportedly described the intervention as 'an intelligence-light decision.'

TLDR: the destruction of Libya was based on lies from top to bottom.⬇️
Shit, this is actually last year, but you probably missed it then.
.. Two leading figures in the Libyan opposition who had fled the country were kidnapped, one from Hong Kong, one from Thailand, and flown back to Tripoli along with their wives and children. Both men were tortured...

"Manchester had since the 1990s become a centre for a small but dangerous group of exiled Libyans belonging to anti-Gaddafi groups, such as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, originally formed by Libyans fighting the communists in Afghanistan. "

"Asylum seekers & British-Libyan nationals in Manchester & London were menaced by Gaddafi’s agents, who were invited into the UK and permitted to operate on the streets alongside MI5"

In 2011 the sides change in an instant. Those same exiles go to war

Bizarre and duplicitous
And speaking of bizarre and duplicitous.

That is Libyan National Security Advisor Dr. Mutassim Qadhafi at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC April 21, 2009.

He was murdered the same day as his father, she came, she saw, she laughed.

Meet Khalifa Haftar

In 1969 Haftar is a member of Gaddafi's Junta in the revolution, eventually becoming chief of staff of the Libyan military.
1990 after getting captured & disowned by G. in the war with Chad he's rescued by the CIA, moving to Langley & becoming a US citizen⬇️
"Haftar joined the Libyan opposition in exile and later became head of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, the opposition’s military wing.

During U.S. president Ronald Reagan’s administration, the NFSL received covert support from the CIA"
“It proves for the first time that Libyans are willing to die to get rid of that bastard” William Casey
From thereon the NFSL was put on the CIA's payroll.

In March 2011 Haftar goes to Libya, from Langley, to play a major role.

Supposedly "on his own"⬇️
"So much shit doesn't add up here. I am pretty much not confident in ANY of the sources ... If anything, just need to be very clear how contradictory all the information is on this project ... a lot of the conclusions drawn from it are not really air tight" Bayless Parsley
“President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn’t have congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that’s got to be said.”

Dennis Kucinich
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