đŸŽ¶ Let's talk about sex baby đŸŽ¶

I'm going to share a few thoughts about the conversations I think we should be having BEFORE we shag someone for the first time ...
First of all, we're not in kindergarten. You KNOW when someone likes you in THAT way and if you're likely to end up in bed exchanging bodily fluids. You know!

"So ... how often do you screen for STIs Sexually Transmitted Infections?"

"Have you ever done an STI screen?"
There is nothing offensive about asking this question. It is an important question. You need to know if the person that you're planning on sleeping with has ever screened for STIs Sexually Transmitted Infections.
If the person gets offended, that's THEIR problem. And you have every right to cancel whatever plans you had of sleeping with them
Here's the thing ...

Not all Sexually Transmitted Infections STIs are transmitted via sexual intercourse.

#HPV Human Papilloma Virus can be transmitted through contact. #HSV Herpes Simplex Virus can be transmitted via oral sex
#HPV Human Papilloma Virus causes warts - including genital warts. Some types of HPV lead to cervical changes that may progress to cervical cancer. You can transmit HPV through skin-to-skin contact. Screening ---> #PAPSmear . Results will steps to be taken.
The results of the #PAPSmear will guide the steps to be taken. If you haven't received the #HPV jab, your doctor or nurse clinician may recommend it. If you have warts, they can be sorted out
#HSV Herpes Simplex Virus

HSV-1 Type 1 - cold sores

HSV-2 Type 2 - genital herpes

Transmitted via oral sex? Yes

If you have ever had a cold sore, you have HSV Type 1

Easy to treat. Mention that you get cold sores during your pre-sex chat
We need to make pre-sex chats a thing.

"Do you use condoms or not?"

"Are you on #PrEP ?"

"Do you give oral sex?"

We need to talk about sex!

Sibadala guys
Last thing - so the STI screening has been done. The pre-sex chat has happened. You're ready for action! Don't forget to check your person's genitalia. Make it part of foreplay 😊
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