I read an interesting article suggesting vegans use the wording that we want to "end factory farming" instead of asking people to stop eating animals. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2018/11/15/18088776/end-animal-farming-vegetarian-vegan-meat-alternatives-jacy-reese
Instead of feeling judged, people can get behind a movement they genuinely agree with. And as they learn more about factory farms (how the majority of the animal products they consume come from them), they make the connection on their own.
Picture of mega trawler
Caption: "We have to stop this!"
Reader: "YES! We should stop this! This isn't sustainable! [looks at the fish sandwich in their hand] OH. oh. Goddammit."
Reasonable people look at the facts and go, "I don't want to contribute to that. I will take steps to stop." For example, they saw plastic bags and straws and went, "OH, RIGHT. I don't need those!" They told restaurants and stores: stop it with the plastic. It was fun! We united.
How do we unite with the same strength against factory farms and fisheries? I mean, we have people carrying their own straws. We're at the cusp of something. We're at the door of change. How can we get omnis on board to help us make change?
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