“Social Justice”

"Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, 'social justice.'"
~Thomas Sowell

Social justice = envy
Usually envy of money
But also life and opportunities
Under social justice:

Compassion gets redefined as “the government taking your money and giving it to someone else”

Greed gets redefined as “you wanting to keep your money”
Social justice is wealth/economic redistribution

Social justice is a tool of the socialist/communist agenda. It is not good for society. It is the removal of freedoms from people, as the government steps in to enforce its policy of equality for all.
Social justice declares freedom must be sacrificed in order to ensure no one ever feels/perceives they are hurt, offended, in economic want, and the government must ensure this by policy/law making.
The corrupt UN agrees, stating, “social justice is not possible without strong and coherent redistributive policies, conceived and implemented by public agencies.” The UN wants greater government control over peoples lives.
The term “social justice” is a tool used to manipulate peoples thinking and trick people into giving up their freedoms.
Social justice is a tool used to created hatred and divide. SJ warriors accuse non SJ people of every kind of slanderous name in order to peer pressure people into their way of thinking. It’s a bully tactic of political and religious spirits.
Social justice is the enemy of absolute truth and absolute justice. Social justice in the Church waters down God’s absolute truth and makes a mockery of God’s justice.
It was around the 1930s when the church started using the term social justice, or “social gospel.” And it was developed/used by people (church leaders) running in the opposite direction of the Pentecost experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit = revival.
Church leaders needed something to validate their ministry, legitimize it, apart from the actual power and presence of God. Social justice was the attention grabbing they needed to justify their own ministry apart from God’s.
90 years later... many in the church have been duped into giving up absolute truth and God’s justice, and see trading our freedoms as a good thing. It’s not. It’s a false facade of altruism.
Social justice is anti-truth and anti-justice and anti-freedom. It’s pro socialism. Its agenda is control/domination of people with the false facade of “for the greater good”. This is satan’s agenda and why I used the pic calling it a “cult”
People want the church to be quiet about ideologies like socialism and communism. Often it’s people in the church who (blindly) say, “stay out of politics!”
Socialism and communism are demonic ideologies.
The devil has not stayed out of politics.
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