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Holy Warrior
MacArthur’s staff was deeply reactionary
The General’s impressive memory
Imposing democracy and American culture on foreign countries goes back at least to our conquest of the Philippines
MacArthur’s father’s view of German-American loyalties and a (self fulfilling?) prophecy of war with Japan
Douglas MacArthur - Chad
MacArthur had shot 9 men by the age of 35
MacArthur met most of his WWII friends and rivals in WWI France. And Harry Truman served under him.
MacArthur’s reforms of cadet life at West Point vs Pershing
New West Point fitness promotion
Modernization of military education curriculum. MacArthur supported poor Billy Mitchell.
MacArthur was similar to Huey Long in that neither were reactionaries, although some in the Roosevelt clique defamed them as such.
We were paying CCC workers more than soldiers during the Depression
Open Japanese subversion in American territories was evident as early as 1934
MacArthur’s reactionary staff and their leader’s reasons for supporting democracy
His wife, like his mother, was a proud Southerner. Hard to imagine a general today reading about Nathan Forrest.
Had MacArthur transported his supplies to defensive positions in Bataan, he could have survived for 4 years under siege
The Japanese in the Philippines defeated an Allied force almost twice their size.
MacArthur’s successful retreat to Bataan, and his failure to bring enough supplies for his troops there.
Racial struggle in the Pacific War
Australia was very vulnerable in early 1942 - most of her young men were fighting in North Africa
The high hopes the American nationalists held for the General, and his public popularity
Aerial resupply kept Port Moresby in Allied hands
MacArthur’s strategy to bypass Japanese strongholds and to cut off enemy communications
MacArthur had an incredible K/D ratio in the Pacific
Women’s suffrage as a tool to break militarism
Yamashita and Homma’s war crimes trials were shams
MacArthur’s victory speech - the neocon dream in its full flowering
Pre-Korean War strategic planning initially excluded Taiwan and Korea
CIA accurately predicted North Korean invasion of the south
Communist spies provided USSR and Red China the UN policies and plans in the Korean War
Some Japanese were quite sorry to see MacArthur return home
San Francisco used to be quite patriotic
MacArthur’s reception by the public of Washington and New York
One of MacArthur’s last speeches - given to West Point cadets
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