#ErkenciKuş ending pictures - a thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
1. Bölüm: Can caught Sanem in his house. He recognizes the perfume of the girl he kissed in the dark. Sanem has no idea he is her albatross, the infamous red file behind her back ...
2. Bölüm: during the party at the Divit house, Sanem fell in the pool. Emre tells her to go dry her clothes in his room but she ends in Can's. He catches her there, wearing one of his T-shirts ...
3. Bölüm: the photo shoot with Arzu has ended. Sanem got rid of her in mixing strawberries in her smoothie, a fruit the model is highly allergic to ... Can understands what Sanem has done and asks for an explanation ...
4. Bölüm: Fabri is dancing with Sanem. She wants to leave but he stops her. Can sees red, grabs Sanem's hand in front of everybody and walks away ... 🤘🏼 Kötü Kral 🤘🏼
5. Bölüm: Sanem and Can pretend to be engaged for Fabri's sake. After enjoying the situation, Can come back to his senses and tells her she doesn't have to keep lying unless she really wants to - "git dersiniz giderim, kal dersiniz kalırım"
6. Bölüm: Can is accused of plagiarism. Sanem, with Ayhan's help, uncovers the culprit who is working for Aylin. Emre follows Sanem and soon Can also arrives at the hacker's apartment. Sanem has decided to tell the whole truth to Can even if it means losing him ...
7. Bölüm: Sanem resigned but Can won't accept it. Sanem tries to escape him but she fails. At the rocks, Can confesses his feelings and asks her to do the same. She gets to decide whether she wants him to stay or leave. Sanem, caught up in her lies, asks him to leave ...
8. Bölüm: Can decides to leave as Sanem turned him down. However, unable to stay away from Sanem, he rips his plane ticket while she goes to his house to admit her feelings and beg him not to go. Polen opens the door ...
9. Bölüm: after a "double date", Can escapes to his mountain cabin, convinced that Sanem is spending the night with Levent. Meanwhile, a very drunk Polen asks Sanem to take her to Can's house. Waiting in the taxi, Sanem eventually gets out to check up on her ...
10. Bölüm: Sanem is alone on the coast to think. She goes for a swim and faces Can who came back even if she asked him to leave her alone. Thinking it's a reenactement of her dream at first, a very real Can offers Sanem to stay alone together ...
11. Bölüm: Can leaves Polen's bday party after the "keşke" message from Sanem who is at the Opera. She accepted he will never be hers but then he arrives, full on tuxedo. He asks for the rest of the message, she recognizes the shoes of the Albatross and he kisses her. I screamed!
12. Bölüm: Can is fed up with Sanem's childish attitude. She's trying to back off , coming back to reality and the lies between them. He confronts her at the rocks. They declare "war" and Can tells Sanem he won't chase her anymore, she will be coming to him but she won't yield.
13. Bölüm: Can has won. He finds Sanem on the lawn, just as he dreamt before. He's nervous because he thinks she will reject him again. She admits that she loves him, actually she loves him more than she loves herself and she leans on to kiss him. Screaming again!
14. Bölüm: They are finally together and Can has invited Sanem over for breakfast. Emre and Aylin arrive soon after. Sanem's engagement ring (to Osman) falls from Aylin's bag and Can picks it up, demanding explanations.
15. Bölüm: 😱Can has overheard part of a conversation between Emre and Sanem. Destroyed by the fact that she will leave him soon, he drives away but comes back confronting Sanem. She confesses everything, why she did it and how Emre deceived her ... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
16. Bölüm: Can and Sanem are heartbroken. The company is in jeopardy. She contacts Fabri to work for him in exchange for his financial help, while he plans to get the special perfume he's been obsessed with. Sanem has saved the agency but has brought Fabri back in the game ...
17. Bölüm: 😱It's Sanem's bday. Fabri has a party in her honour but she believes Can has prepared everything for her, including the blue dress she's wearing. She quickly realizes her misunserstanding as Can leaves. Trying to clear the situation, he rejects her with "Obürüsün" 😭
18. Bölüm: Being trapped in the agency lift, Can and Sanem finally confront each other. Can knows the truth and he feels very bad about his attitude. Eventually she asks to start their relationship back from scratch and he agrees ...
19. Bölüm: Sanem is drunk and wanders alone in the dark forest. She runs into Can, still hurt by Emter's behaviour. Despite the "arkadaş" truce, intoxicated Sanem hits Can with her "sen benimsin, işte o kadar!" and kisses him ... S.C.R.E.A.M.I.N.G!
20. Bölüm: Fabri got kicked out of the agency by Can. He leaves with a check, double the amount he paid for the Divit brothers' shares. Deren is having a panick attack. Can only cares about Sanem's perfume because it's his and she'd better understand that.
21. Bölüm: Fabri refuses to give back the shares he bought. Aylin becomes Fabri's legal agent at Fikri Harika, with the help of Emre. Can goes to Fabri to have an explanation while Sanem suspects Emre who tries to blackmail her: she leaves Can's life and they get the shares back.
22. Bölüm: Aylin had Sanem locked up in the toilet after the Compass Sport presentation. She tries to escape through the window and gets stuck until Can rescues her. She refuses to go back to the party with him. Can kisses her ending the "arkadaş" period. Canem is back!
23. Bölüm: What an episode! Can and Sanem are back together relishing each moment together even though their relationship is still kept secret from everybody else and in particular Sanem's parents ... until Aylin plays the paparazzi in order to break them up once more ... 😱😱😱
24. Bölüm: Sanem has told the truth to her family. She meets Can at the rocks after Mevkibe's reaction and she wants to resigns from the agency in order to calm things down. Can tries to comfort her, finally talking mariage as the solution to their situation ... 🥰🥰🥰
25. Bölüm: Canem is out of the closet but Fabri is still on their back threatening the contract between the agency and Red Mode ... Teased by Fabri about the perfume and Sanem, Can hits him and ends up getting arrested by the police ...
26. Bölüm: "Anne"! Can is out of prison because Sanem, panic-stricken, has given her perfume and its recipe to Fabri 🤬... She hides the truth from Can again. 🤬They decide to celebrate the new contract with McKinnon at Can's house but Hüma is back! 🤬Aslı!! What have you done!🤦‍♀️
27. Bölüm: Can decides to ask Sanem to marry him ... What a beautiful proposal at the hut ... a lovely moostone ring he made ... but we know that Sanem won't, CAN'T accept because she still hasn't told him about the perfume ... How to ruin a perfectly good proposal! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬🤬🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
28. Bölüm: Fabri's invitation for his new perfume has arrived at the agency ... Sanem hasn't managed to tell Can the truth. Cey Cey and her are expecting the worse as Can sprays the sample he's received on his wrist ... Everybody watching were holding their breaths! Arghhhhhh! 😱
29. Bölüm: Canem 2.0 bitti! 😭Can has discovered the truth and has fled to the hut. Sanem, worried by his silence, goes there to find him comforted by Polen who has just come back to Istanbul ... Will he allow her to explain her actions? I was not optimistic to tell the truth ...
30. Bölüm: Hoşçakal! Can has accepted Polen's job offer in the Balkans. Sanem decides to let him go after their weekend despite her fighting to save her couple and to get a chance to explain her actions. Can is so blinded by his wounded pride, there is nothing left for her to do.
31. Bölüm: a new path for Sanem after her accidental meeting with Yiğit. Can is still leaving for the Balkans but he is also acting jealous and caveman-like. Sanem refuses to be bullied and considers the job as a book editor Yiğit offered when he turns out to be Polen's brother!
32. Bölüm: the gang's plan - locking them up in a freezer - to reconcile Canem has failed! It actually gets worse: Can threatens to leave straight away to the Blakans and Sanem refuses to work the 11 days she owes the agency ... At that point I was wishing for an angry kiss 🙏🙏
*Balkans ... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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