1.) So I watched all of #LeavingNeverland.

I believe Safechuck and Robson. I also believe it is extremely likely that Michael Jackson was a preferential pedophile, in the most classic sense. The grooming behavior, the courting of the entire families,
2.) the lavishing of the boys with expensive gifts (and their parents with homes, visas, cars, etc. --- often timed in response to the boys testifying and denying any abuse had taken place), are just too textbook.
3.) I further find both Safechuck and Robson to be highly convincing in their detailed accounts of the abuse that occurred, and in their demeanor and body language as they recount details of their multi-decade relationships with Jackson.
4.) The volume of boys with which Jackson associated (and the approx. 12 month intervals at which he seemingly selected a new "favorite boy") fit with the profile of a preferential pedophilic offender, as do behaviors of collecting and displaying candy, toys, etc. to attract kids
5.) What I found chilling was just how often several particular boys appeared---always in background, invisible unless you actively look for them----in footage w/ Jackson, whether on tour, in crowds of fans, etc. Two boys who can be spotted again & again are Safechuck + Robson.
6.) The accts of Jackson telling both boys dire things that would happen if they ever told, coupled w/ their dependency (economic, social, emotional) on Jackson--a dependency Jackson worked to foster--fit w/ what we know re: serial preferential pedophiles & how they silence kids
7.) Further, it is clear that Jackson was quite specific in both the "type" of boy he favored (mostly Caucasian, ages 7-10 seemed to be preferred) as well as the types of sexual acts he enjoyed also fit with the profile of a preferential pedophile.
8.) I am seeing some folks who have not even seen the doc quick to blame the boys' parents (i.e. - "Who lets their child sleep with a grown man??"), but this victim-blaming is not helpful. First of all, it was a different time period (80s-90s). Awareness was not what it is today.
9.) If you actually did watch, then you know that BOTH boys' mothers DO take responsibility for their role in cultivating an environment in which their sons could be molested by Michael Jackson. Both mothers express guilt and shame about what they, in effect, allowed to happen.
10.) At the same time, many of Jackson's alleged behaviors towards not just the boys, but their entire families, suggest that he was a skillful abuser: he would obsessively call the families' homes, keep the boys on the phone for 4, 5, 6+ hours talking, send fax after
11.) fax after fax to one particular boy, requesting the boy fax him back or call him back, to the point where (according to Mom): "We would come home and the living room floor would be completely covered in faxes."
12.) He told Robson, starting when Robson was 7 years old: "If anyone ever finds out about this, you will go to jail and I will go to jail, and it will destroy both of our lives."

Try and imagine carrying that burden at 7 years old, after the man who is your hero tells you this.
13.) In Safechuck's case---after Jackson had discarded Safechuck like trash bc the boy was apparently too old for Jackson---Jackson actively discouraged Safechuck from taking math classes and other classes at school, telling him: "I will take care of you. You don't need school."
14.) He then took this ploy one step further and talked to the boys parents about how he "doesn't need math classes and other classes," causing the boy's parents to pull him out of several classes at school. This is literally textbook abusive behavior: denying someone access to
15.) education, social opportunities outside of the world of the abuser, etc. It is the same technique that batterers use to keep women "under control" and silenced within their home with their abuser.
16.) The idea that these boys "are after money" is patently absurd, as both of them (and their wives) clearly have lucrative professional careers --- just pay attention to the shots of their homes. They are not middle class homes. These are successful men who have plenty of money
17.) I do believe they finally came forward and told the truth for two reasons: Jackson is dead, so they are slightly less afraid + both of them are new Dads and realized, from the birth of their own kids, how vulnerable they had been and how horrifically Jackson manipulated them
18.) It is possible for a person to have been a genius and also to have been a serial preferential pedophile who preyed on young boys. I think Jackson was both. Not many people can reconcile the disparities, but it is high time we as a society learn to do so.
19.) The reality is that preferential pedophiles exist in all walks of life. What made Jackson unique was that his unparalleled access to money, power, and influence allowed him to more dramatically manipulate families and more cleverly conceal the ongoing abuse.
20.) Other than that, Jackson---like most preferential pedophiles---was an average person. Meaning that he was complex. He was a whole person. He had positive attributes and he had negative ones. He did great things and he did horrible things.
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