I’m reading Walden as part of my quest to read all of the foundational texts of Environmental History. My main takeaway is that Thoreau was a Millennial. Evidence:
Built his own Tiny House. Lived on a vacant property just outside of town that was owned by a rich friend.
Works really hard but never gets paid. (Always in debt.)
Finished his masters degree at Harvard but became disillusioned and never graduated.
Queer AF. (Ace or pan? Nobody knows. )
Vegan before it was cool. Bakes all of his own bread but it isn’t very good.
Handmade minimalist wardrobe. Minimalist interior design.
Lived in “The Woods” for 2.5 years and decided he was qualified to write a book about living in the woods.
Hates newspapers. (And fake news. )
Didn’t pay his taxes to protest slavery (woke). Went to jail for tax evasion, but is released after one night when a rich aunt pays for him. (Wrote a book about this too. )
Really into eastern philosophy and the Odyssey and won’t shut up about it.
Belongs to crew called “The Transcendentalists”. They all work hard but never get paid. A few have rich families and they get by OK.
Thinks a lot about technology and is kind of sad about it.
Really likes trees but isn’t very good at identifying them.
Participates in gig economy. Is an OK farmer for exactly one year. Most accurate job title is “Influencer”.
In conclusion: I love this loser.
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