Things I wish I could unlearn that I have learned from my students: an ongoing thread.
blowflies have "spongey mouth parts" that they use to suck up blood. you won't find regurgitated fly vomit on carpets because they don't like to suck up blood on carpets.
experiments including full-brain transplantation are already underway
a scientist engineered an entire species of mushrooms to eat human flesh by feeding subsequent generations of fungus her own blood, hair, and nails.
if you pump enough hormones into a live rat-brain, you can turn a male rat gay, but not a female rat.
when opioid overdose patients are brought into Baltimore EDā€™s, they are given Narcan and released without counseling, consult, instructions, referrals or follow up.

(I am super distressed by this and going to write a thread at some point, but I donā€™t have the spoons right now.)
Female serial killers are more common than youā€™d think, but they tend not to get caught because they kill in ways not recognized as murder. When they are it takes on average twice as long and thereā€™s a proportionally high kill rate. 75% of victims are people FSKā€™s personally know
If a rabbit ever stops eating its guts freeze up and it dies. This is how Nicole killed her childhood bunny.
I still think a lot about them
This guy exists and he has published a helliva lot more than I have
Manatees are extremely relatable because they weigh a thousand pounds and lose all awareness of their surroundings when they have sex

Actually nevermind I donā€™t want to unlearn that those bbs speak to me
In many states, incest is only illegal if it involves heterosexual penetration
Tilapia skin has antimicrobial properties and is used to dress wounds.
Chlamydia is threatening the survival of koalas as a species
If you give an ovariectomized female rat progesterone and estrogen, you can make her receptive to sex. If you add LSD to the mix, it really messes with the receptivity.
Scientists invented ā€œballistic gelatinā€ to simulate brains exploding when shot; they did this because they had been shooting the skull/brains of cadavers and people got upset about it
Koala bears have fingerprints so similar to humans that occasionally, computers identify them as crime suspects
There is a migraine medicine that can turn your blood green
There is no US Federal law barring sex with a corpse and it is not illegal in all 50 states.

In the UK it was legal prior to 2003.
Chronic sleep deprivation causes the brain to consume itself. So does dieting.
Dolphins tend to be aggressive when they are having sex. They frequently engage in violent gang-bangs and rapes, sometimes going on for weeks at a time. Baby dolphins often die this way.
if you die with seeds in your stomach they can sprout and plants or trees will grow right out of your decomposing body
the sixth mass extinction event is currently underway
thereā€™s not a great way to test oyster crops for parasites. so they just, yunno, donā€™t.
90% of seafood related deaths come from an organism called Vibrio vulnificus, which is commonly found in raw oysters. If you contact an infection from this organism, it has a 50% mortality rate.
The scientist behind Jurassic Park actually wants to bring dinosaurs back for real and there is no way that can go wrong at all
Bovine serum albumin is often used in lab experiments. Made from cow blood, itā€™s useful as a protein concentration standard and, thus used for research on human biological stuff

A weirdly large consumer of this serum is the aerospace industry

We were not able to determine why
The driver of a riding lawn mower was suspected of and investigated for homicide. The actual killer was a moose.

@NSAGirl17 itā€™s a good thing we donā€™t have moose where we live.
There is no good reason for babies to suffer and Iā€™m still so upset
Washing machines can spread dangerous bacteria and the special laundering hospitals do may not be enough
you can blame @itsyabitsjace for that last one thanx for the anxiety J
Threading can get wonky over time, so this is just a reminder that this thread is a list of all of the things I wish I could unlearn that I have learned from my students.
There is a gut bacteria that produces alcohol and can give you liver disease even if you donā€™t drink alcohol????
Thereā€™s a bacteria in dog saliva that in very rare cases can cause death if a dog licks you. But in Wisconsin it seems to be getting a whole lot less rare and no one is entirely sure why
Parasitic helminths are extremely good at evading and countering the immune system. Hookworms can live in the human intestine for nearly 20 years. They are SO GOOD, in fact, that sometimes they are actually used to treat autoimmune disease. Have IBD? You may get prescribed worms.
Itā€™s surprisingly easy to hack medical devices and people have been murdered with their own insulin pumps
also yew leaves?? basically idk why we have not all been murdered tbh
there's a subset of serial killers who are nurses. they're hard to catch because the murders don't look like murders, they look like sick people dying. one of their favorite ways to kill is by using insulin. there is no good way to prevent this.
Energy drink consumption is associated with psychosis, mania, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts 
worried about alcohol-induced memory loss? don't! all you need is a brain transplant
there is an entire group of insects called necrophages that can be categorized by the fact they like to eat rotting flesh. Necrophages are useful in determining PMI, or post-mortem-interval. When necrophages ingest drugs, however, it interferes w/ the correct calculations of PMI
serial killers take note and stock up on a mix of benzos, cocaine, and opioids because those seem to confuse the decay rate the most
actually nevermind. Chrysomya albiceps are actually really good for determining PMI EVEN WITH all those drugs present, so probably serial killers are out of luck. Phew.
The AS03 Adjuvanted Pandemrix Vaccine is correlated with an increased risk of narcolepsy in children.

Mostly I hate this because anything that anti-vaxers would yell at me I will probably hate.
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