"Promoting policies that lift people from poverty to prosperity."

An investment firm who profits from creating destabilization & chaos.

Who's lurking behind the curtains?


Founded by New Zealand billionaire Chris Chandler in 2006. Chandler made a fortune in the 80's by investing in "mispriced" assets from countries in crisis (i.e. he and his brother Rich are high class looters).
Interestingly Chandler became a citizen of Malta in 2016. Malta is known to "sell" it's citizenship to elites.

For at least a decade Chandler's Legatum has partnered with Silicon Valley billionaire Pierre Omidyar.
If you search Twitter with my handle and "Omidyar" you'll find he is linked to many of the cyber disinfo projects. He's also a huge Obama guy and really hates Trump.

He's the new Soros...
Please read about the early days of Legatum. They are heavily tied to the US neocons and Radio Free Europe (CIA).

M. Weiss worked for Bill Kristol (hi again Bill) at the Weakly Standard (intentional). The work he did for Legatum involved war mongering propaganda for the neocon establishment.

Note their research was presented to NED which is one of the main components of #RegimeChangeDeluxe
A Russian born British journalist named Peter Pomerantsev is a fellow at Legatum and is close to none other than Mr. Bill Browder.
He is a primary contributor to multiple Think Tanks and published in known propaganda outlets like "The Atlantic."
Here he is with fellow propagandist Anne Applebaum, Michael Weiss, US/Ukrainian ambassadors, and an Atlantic Council puppet.
This screenshot is a very good summary of what this is.

Legatum & CEPA are partners bolstering "Atlanticism."
Legatum & CEPA create these lovely counter propaganda white papers.

Notice the authors, date, and sponsors in this image.
Astonishingly, upon opening this document lightening struck me twice. Okay not really but I did find Ben Nimmo listed as a contributor! He's one of the big names in the Integrity Initiative leaks.
This is a must read for anyone researching into the various projects these people are using to create training and collusion amongst media, intelligence agencies, corporations, and gov officials.

Just look at the screenshots.

Link ⤵️ download .PDF 📂
I've been posting about the Integrity Initiative and domestic propaganda networks over the past few weeks.

Please review for context. https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1094341466565038081?s=19
Legatum is also known for their Prosperity Index, a comprehensive ranking of the prosperity of more than 140 countries published annually lead by Alexandra Mousavizadeh a Danish economist.

She's made a previous thread of mine... https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1008464279316652034?s=19
Her husband is the Co-CEO of Macro Advisory Partners (MAP) which is a who's who list of British & Obama swampers with a few Clinton Cartel assets mixed in.

Welcome to Crazytown. 🧐 https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1008458438672879620?s=19
Another Legatum Fellow is Gisela Stuart who is a signatory of the Henry Jackson Institute with Sir Richard "dirty dossiers" Dearlove and member of the Privy Council.
Oh I almost forgot to show this list from CEPA's site.

I know of a few open source researchers who can expand on this list..
Legatum is massive and there is plenty of names to look into.

Legatum https://www.li.com/about/our-board-of-trustees

Legatum MIT

Prosperity Institute

We haven't even looked at the other Chandler brother yet.
Another connection arises when you look into the board of Trustees.

Several of the key "minds" behind Legatum are from a think tank called "Policy Exchange."

Which is rather interesting...
Interesting indeed.

Policy Exchange is now chaired by the oh so popular Alexander Downer as of June 2017. He replaced rabid Trump hater David Frum.

Another Propaganda Network
Oxford Analytica was started by one of the Nixon plumbers who worked closely with Kissinger to create the PDB.
David Young has a bio on the Atlantic Partnership (not the Atlantic Council) page.

The Atlantic Partnership is full of names you will know. https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1096649770255478784?s=19
Oxford Analytica is also full of names you know.


Just a few..

Bill Bradley-Hakluyt
John Negroponte ☠️
This one is a real beauty.

David Miliband joined Oxford Analytica..

Btw I really hope Bannon chose to name his firm Cambridge Analytica just to troll these slugs. 😂

Oh hey there's Nader M. again.
In case you don't know who Miliband is..

He's also on the MAP.

He loves him some Podesta, Soros, and Hilldog. https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1008479534243614722?s=19
Further reading and important context from @ECEverett1.

The Atlantic Partnership actually appears to link both Analyticas.

🤔 https://twitter.com/ECEverett1/status/1102080002382684160?s=19
Another good thread for some important context.

Re: Atlanticism https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1101017085973590016?s=19
Further context. https://twitter.com/The_War_Economy/status/1000015389265408001?s=19
Oh boy.

So Weiss pictured hanging out with Chalupa & McCain's Syrian bro?

Yikes. https://twitter.com/Avery1776/status/1102080053112909824?s=19
Lord Powell is definitely significant. https://twitter.com/ECEverett1/status/1102118977608843264?s=19
Lord Powell https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1008888902407544832?s=19
His brother Jonathan is on the MAP. https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1008529096836608001?s=19
Another Hakluyt, Sid Blumenthal, and Clinton connection. https://twitter.com/CarrollQuigley1/status/1008882854477139976?s=19
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