As I wrote in #DirtyRubles, Trump/Russia is a multiplicity of Watergates. The scope of criminality boggles the mind. Let’s break it down.

1/ Remember that first & foremost, Trump is a creature of the Russian mob, which is NOT the quaint Italian outfit of lore, but a multinational crime syndicate. More SPECTRE than GoodFellas.

Semion Mogilevich & Co. own him, and he MUST do whatever they command.
2/ Despite his ample financial aid & huge inheritance, Trump was broke. Rather than go bankrupt honorably, he accepted the mob’s dirty rubles, which he spent years laundering via bogus real estate deals & other boondoggles (who bankrupts a casino?).
4/ Trump was broke, and the Russian mob exploited this vulnerability. This is not me being colorful. This is a fact. To understand Trump, you have to ignore the narrative he pushes, and that the MSM perpetuates, and see him as he really is:
5/ Whether his presidency ends next week or in January 2021, Trump will spend the rest of his life in court, in prison, and in torment. The DOJ may advise against indicting a sitting POTUS, but the instant he's out of office, he’s doomed. None of this is going away.
6/ His Czech brood is complicit. Junior, Gums, and Ivanka have eaten of the forbidden mobster fruit, and no amount of Twitter trolling, rank idiocy, or breathy coquetry, respectively, will save them.
7/ I have often used this platform to call out Jared Kushner. The deceit with his SF-86 forms ALONE is worth a decade in the hoosegow, but this is the least of his problems. Espionage is a serious crime, and there is ample reason to suspect him.
8/ Mike Flynn is the least talked about of the Trumpist felons, but his fingers were in all sorts of seditious pies. It will be interesting when they roll out superseding indictments.
9/ Paul Manafort, who chaired Trump’s campaign during peak Treason Season, is a straight-up mobster. He's in prison now.

Fact: the Russian “vor” vow never to take real work, to dedicate themselves to crime, to accept prison rather than reform.

How is Paulie any different?
10/ Cohen smacked down the GOP morons last week, but this doesn’t erase his own mob ties. I’m much more interested in what his old chum Felix Sater has to say at his hearing on the 14th. It’ll be the crying of Lot 49 up in there.
11/ Roger Stone is going to be gagged next week, and the next time we hear from him will be from the hoosegow. Like his old partner Manafort—and his old crony Trump—he will likely die in prison.
12/ Stone is part of the Wikileaks node. Wikileaks, a front for Russian intelligence, coordinated with Stone & the Trump campaign to release hacked DNC emails.

This is not journalism. This is election sabotage.
13/ Among those connected to the Wikileaks node: Junior, Julian Assange, Nigel Farage, and Sean Hannity, who in 2016 begged the white-haired Russian asset to guest-host his radio show.

Hannity gets jumpy when this subject comes up:
14/ There’s also the Big Data Node, involving Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, Steve Bannon, the Mercers, Brad Parscale, Erik Prince, John Bolton, Alfa Bank, Jared Kushner, Corey Lewandowski, the NRA, and many more.
15/ The Big Data Node, for me, is the hardest to wrap my head around—which makes it the most dangerous. This and the Wikileaks node are also tied to Brexit, which vote was also sabotaged by Russian IC.
16/ Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime girlfriend was Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Semion Mogilevich’s late partner, Robert Maxwell. So he’s mobbed up. No one really knows how he makes his money, or why he is so insulated from harm.
17/ The Epstein node is starting to reveal itself. Trump, Acosta, Dershowitz, the Russian mob, and lots and lots of other people of BOTH parties are implicated. It looks to me like Epstein was set up in grand style to gain kompromat on VIPs.
18/ Speaking of gaining kompromat on VIPs, that’s basically what the National Enquirer has done since it was established with capital LOANED BY THE MOB in the 50s. Call it tabloid journalism if you want, but “catch & kill” is just a clever euphemism for kompromat.
19/ David Pecker and Trump are good friends, because everything that’s odious must converge.
20/ The Kompromat Node also involves members of Congress who inexplicably began to side with Trump. So: Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, etc. Puppets, all of them.
21/ Didn't even mention Maria Butina, and ALL of the media folks who carry Trump's Vichy water, most of whom know better.
22/ Unpacking all of this, investigating it, preparing indictments, and also explaining to the American people that the president is a fraud…this takes time. If Trump were ONLY guilty of ONE of these things, he’d be gone by now.
22/ But there IS movement.

In March 2017, I wrote a piece identifying Trump collaborators. I named 19 people. Two years later, three are convicted felons, another is under indictment.

It's not true that "nothing" has been done, so knock that deza off.
This is the greatest crisis our country has faced since the Civil War. We have an enemy asset in the White House, hell-bent on destroying us from within. But Trump will fail, as he’s failed at everything else he’s tried.

Spring is coming.


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