1. THREAD: Many of you are familiar with the "List of 200". It is a listing of 200 accounts that some people who did a "study" said were either wittingly or unwittingly involved in some sort of disinformation campaign regarding election fraud. https://www.iwr.ai/voterfraud/index.html#s0
3. The group, http://Guardians.ai  is stating that the 200 accounts they identified as part of a huge campaign to spread FakeNews about election fraud, is also participating in disinformation against 2020 dem presidential candidates.
4. This next piece of irony will guide us through the rest of this thread. What can you do to help, they ask? https://www.iwr.ai/voterfraud/index.html#s0
5. "SHARE and USE this report if you care about Voting Rights, Election Integrity, and believe that America deserves to have better conversations and laws rooted in data." They say! LET US EXAMINE THEIR DATA, SHALL WE?!
6. At the top of their website is their target list of horrific offenders, spreading disinformation about election integrity everywhere and fooling the American people.
7. Then they begin to get into their methodology. They made a list of users that mentioned Voter Fraud on the same day when there was a spike of users talking about voter fraud. That day? 8/10/18. Seems like an arbitrary day, eh?
9. So, lets get out of the way that there was an ORGANIC REASON for people on the right AND left to be talking about VOTER FRAUD on this mysterious day they chose to use as their "unusual spike"
10. EVEN WITH THIS BEING SAID- hang on to your seats. They say "on or around 8/10/18" so I give them the benefit of the doubt. They also give us the list of horrible offenders
11. They say: "In this field of research, when a group of accounts tweet similar messages at the same time, on multiple occasions, it's called co-spiking. Co-spiking can happen organically when groups of people share interests and sources that they follow."
12. Sounds to me they are also saying that is how it is supposed to work. But what do I know. I am just a lowly conservative. So, I decided to RANDOMLY choose several accounts from their naughty list and see what was going on.
13. What I found made me sick. And I think it will make you sick too. Please retweet this. Duplicate this yourself. Triple and Quadruple check me- Because if this is correct (it is) it completely invalidates their work on any project. ANY PROJECT. Off we go.
14. The first account from their list I randomly chose was @2018magamidtrmt.
15. I ran a search of the account for the hastags VoterFraud and voterfraud for the period of 8/9/18-8/11/18. Here is what I found. NO RESULTS.
16. I said, this must be some mistake! Let me widen this search out for a few weeks in August and really give them the benefit of the doubt. I did a search from 8/6/18-8/20/18.. Wow.
17. Then I said, "ya know I am just going to go ahead an search for the ENTIRE YEAR. All of 2018. NO TWEETS. I thought, "hmm... Is it possible this account deleted all of the tweets with this hashtag? It's possible."
18. Then I decided I would search this account for the month of August just using the words "voter" or "fraud" There were TWO TWEETS mentioning it. This isn't how the study was done, though, so it was more to see what I was dealing with.
19. Next up! @AmericanVoterUS.
20. Same criteria- Hashtags VoterFraud and voterfraud dates 8/9/18-8/11/18: Wait a second....NO TWEETS! Ok, lets broaden THIS one.
21. For the weeks 8/6/18-8/20/18. Again-- NO TWEETS.
22. All of 2018 you say? This account used this hashtag 20 times throughout the ENTIRE YEAR-- Six of those times during November 2018, during midterms when we had the Florida issues and none in August when they accuse the account of the activity. Less than ONCE A MONTH on avg
23. The next account I tried was already suspended. A moment of silence please. :( : https://twitter.com/amerikangirlbot 
24. Next account up was @amvn90210
25. This account uses the hash tag in her profile, still not criteria for these little experiments being conducted on people they don't agree with.
26. Tweets using VoterFraud or voterfraud from 8/9/18-8/11/18? NONE
27. Tweets using those hashtags for the weeks of 8/6/18-8/20/18? NONE
28. Search for all of 2018? http://archive.is/lDZWQ  This account used the hashtag VoterFraud in its forms 31 times in total throughout the course of 2018, which amounts to around than 2.5 tweets per month. HARDLY an overuse or abuse of a hashtag. #SorryNotSorry
29. Next account? Jamierodr10.. Another moment of silence for our lost twitter companion-- lost at the hands of an irresponsible study, the authors of which didn't think we would look? I mean, I don't know..
30. Next Account: @judy_shwabe! Hello Judy!!! #MAGA Here are the search results for the hashtag VoterFraud and voterfraud for the days of 8/9/18-8/11/18. IMAGINE MY SHOCK!
31. For the week of 8/6/18-8/20/18? ONE tweet, with ONE RETWEET!!! Not 70k retweets, or 100 retweets! ONE RETWEET. Guys, step up your game here-- you are really failing at these influence campaigns..
32. For the ENTIRE year during 2018, this account used the hashtags VoterFraud or voterfraud 16 times. This is about ONCE PER MONTH, with SIX of those in October, the month leading up to the midterms. That is when this topic is particularly NEWSWORTHY! http://archive.is/dpqbP 
33. Next account! @ProudAmerPatr. Now here we finally have a little bit of juice. But wait until you see what this is all about. For the period of 8/9/18-8/11/18:
34. Here are a sample of what one of these tweets was-- it was a reply and had no engagement.
36. One of the tweets was also sharing a Breitbart article about the November Midterms. Again, please note engagement.
37. When I broadened the search criteria to 8/6/18-8/20/18 there was one more tweet included:
38. For all of 2018, this account made 15 tweets using the hashtag, many of them in response to current newsworthy events and the midterms. Five in October, and one in November.
39. Next up! @pink_lady56
40. Tweets using the hashtag VoterFraud or voterfraud between 8/9/18-8/11/18:
41. Tweets using those hashtags between 8/6/18-8/20/18
42. (Are we noticing a pattern?) All of 2018??? ONE TWEET. ONE. TWEET. During the vote fraud issues:
43. Next @phil200269 - (I just realized I have been forgetting to put the print screen of these folks from the website. Sorry. They are there. You can check) Tweets using the hashtag VoterFraud or voterfraud from 8/9/18-8/11/18
44. From 8/6/18-8/20/18
45. All of 2018??? NONE. NO TWEETS
46. When searching for the words “voter” and “fraud” without hastags for the entire year of 2018 and then going through- there were 25 tweets in total that had one of the words (cont)
47.(cont) 13 of them were in reference to voter fraud and election fraud, 11 of them in November before and after the midterms, and NONE in August. The magic month... http://archive.is/xInFk 
48. The last test I did is here-- @RhondaHurley2 . For the period of 8/9/18-8/11/18?
49. For 8/6/18-8/20/18 There were 7 tweets, all in support of candidates.
50. This account had the most. For the year, there were 60 tweets using the hashtag. http://archive.is/gozSq  That is about 5 per month. HOWEVER just to give you an example with rouh round numbers--
51. Rhonda opened her account in 2012 and has 105K tweets. That works out to about 15k tweets per year. That means the percentage of her tweets dedicated to this “influence campaign” was .4% of all of her tweeting FOR THE YEAR
52. I haven't even shown you the money behind this yet-- just that their data is horrific. I don't know how they chose these accounts to list, because it CERTAINLY isn't because they were actually DOING the things they are accused of.
53. I am going to keep working here, and trying to filter enough that I can pick up some sort of trend. Bottom line? This entire thing is complete nonsense. I spoke about it at length on my podcast and have a video on its way to you as well. Share this should you find it valuable
Here is my video: MUST WATCH: "The 200" Research Study DEBUNKED
You can follow @tracybeanz.
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