Reminder that Dianne Feinstein has been a horrible opportunist & careerist politician since the 1970s & because of that, has gone quite far in the Democratic Party.
Reminder that Diane Feinstein was a strong supporter of the 3 strike law in the 90's that helped facilitate mass incarceration.
Reminder that Dianne Feinstein, as mayor of San Francisco, was criticized by the city's LGBTQ population right after the murder of Harvey Milk for being a homophobic, anti-sex worker, pro-cop, opportunist politician.
At the time right after Harvey Milk's murder, there was a lot of open homophobia in the streets of San Francisco. Much of this homophobic violence came from the cops. The cops felt further enabled by Feinstein's homophobic criticism of the LGBTQ community's "moral standards."
Dianne Feinstein gave an infamously homophobic interview to Ladies Home Journal in 1979. She later apologized for it when she was running for election as mayor of San Francisco & realized that she had to get the LGBTQ community's votes.
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