Las Vegas Harvest on Kol Nidre

Stephen Paddock (Martyr + Sheep Pen) opens fire at Route 91 (1…13=91) Harvest Festival in Mandalay Bay, exactly 91 days before the end of 2017, over Feast of Atonement.
Melania Trump (nee Martin Knavs) wore a FLOTUS Hat in Corpus Christi after Hurricane Harvey; “Float Us?” Come on people were being punked.
Stephen Paddock owned a Private Plane, Cirrus SR20 (N5343) until its current owner Volant LLC; Volant is a DOD Contractor in Roanoke VA & possible weapon running aircraft used in Operation Fast & Furious, arming of the Sinaloa Drug Cartels.
851 injured 58 killed & counting from 400 Yards in 4 1/2 minutes. Hard to believe? Just like Pulse Nightclub Staged Hoax during UN Year of Pulses; a Pulse is a Tare among Wheat. GoFundMe had $10.4 Million as of Oct 12, 2017; Follow the Money; Love of $ is “Root of all Evil”.
Almost as brazen as Hillary Clinton putting Pulse Nightclub Shooter Omar Mateen’s father Seddique Mateen directly behind her in the front row at a Florida Rally.

“The Best place to keep big secrets is out in the open” Adolf Hitler
Sure thing, just like the B-767-200 flown as American Airlines Flt #11 on Sept 11, 2001 being listed for sale in 2004 with the exact same avionics suite, ID Number & Tail Number.
One round allegedly hit him in the leg; all this some 6 minutes before the shots began on the Harvest Festival. Silence you Crisis Actors, Jesus Campos dissappears just before an Oct 14, 2017 News Interview; allegedly holding up at his house? Now that’s ridiculous.
Nothing more than Bull Shit. Jesus Campos is an actor playing a ficitonal character; he miraculously loses 30 lbs in a week, gets an award in a resturant whose decor was remodeled years ago & shares a Social Security # with Jesus Quintero.
Murren dumped 85% of his stock 294K shares worth $10M just before the event. Murren’s business parther is the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia; nowhere on Earth are Arabs & Israelis more openly in bed together than Las Vegas.
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