alright so, it is time. this is going to be a long, winding, rambling thread. i posted yesterday about demons existing and this interesecting with the world of psychedelia. ive posted about this in the past a little and there is always a huge response, people are very into it.
the thing is ive been hesitant to paint the full picture as i see it for a few reasons. mostly because what i see as the full picture is an intersection of so many seemingly completely unrelated things that its quite a long walk between many seemingly disparate things.
its also seemed completely insane to me for some time. however at this point there are so many connections and threads that sync up that ive actually changed over from this being a crazy idea that i have to actually thinking that this is the most sane thing ive ever thought.
ill also go into some of my own experiences that ive never really discussed on here (funny as its been years of me posting). we’ll just get started. ill be using this as kind of a mock up of something id like to write more in full at some point soon.
dont think of this as me presenting evidence to convince you of anything, this is more me laying out certain pathways and connections so that anyone that would like to poke deeper into this stuff can do so. also im just some guy and am not an expert in anything.
so we’ll start with a little bit of what turned me on to this stuff. i guess last little note is that as ridiculous as it sounds ive basically spent the last ten years of my life studying “third eye stuff” as hard and as seriously as possible so, this is the result of that.
my obsession with “third eye” topics ranging from religion to mystical things to conspiracy theories meant that i had always seen, in the distance, people discussing aliens and alien encounters, but I never looked into it for a variety of reasons.
those people could just be lying for attention, and theres no way for me to confirm their experiences. its also something that is discussed in normie world and on the history channel, for example, so i was basically completely uninterested.
this changed as i got exposed to certain data and information on people who have alien experiences. for example, there was a study done (pretty sure it was at harvard) where they took people who had traumatic alien experiences and had them write down their experiences.
they also did this with people who had conventional trauma like PTSD from Iraq. they then hooked these people up to machines that measure signs of stress, like sweaty palms, heart rate, things like that.
the people with alien experiences showed the same or a higher level of physical stress compared to people who were hearing about their war trauma. so whatever is happening is at least real to them. i got exposed to lots of info that made me think certain cases werent totally fake
i was also surprised when i looked into it that peoples experiences are almost always traumatic as hell. like people get really shaken up by them. this also intrigued me as if it was just a dream or something why would the one dream of aliens induce PTSD, instead of other dreams?
as in, lets say theres a subset of the population who can have these traumatic dreams and think theyre real. well then we would expect a huge folder of wildly varying experiences because theyre just “random” dreams, but that is not what we get at all.
far from being random, these alien experiences also display similarities + archetypes across a huge number of people who dont know each other and who would have no way of confirming this information with one another at the time. the public is largely unfamiliar with these themes
alien abductions are almost always very terrifying, but there is also often a sexual component. in the Harvard study I think over 70% of people had a sexual aspect to their alien experience, this is true for most of the data ive gathered. so... whats up with that?
on top of the sexual component, the theme of alien human hybrids is also extremely common (dovetails with the sex obviously). people report seeing some alien human baby and the aliens making you touch it, or the aliens discuss human alien hybrids, those 2 themes come up a ton.
naively, i attempted to explain this with the conventional explanation. well, maybe theyre like visitors from another planet or something, right?

this failed to hold up to any scrutiny at all.
for one, why would a super advanced high tech race need to stick a traumatic anal probe into you to gather some medical data when they can apparently travel across the universe in hyper advanced almost magic high technology? makes no sense they would [need] to do this.
if we have MRIs its safe to assume with hyper advanced tech there would be some way aliens could get the info they want without permanently traumatizing people. as i considered this more and more any explanation where they were benevolent or even neutral had to be discarded.
as i considered that they could be malevolent, i also became skeptical of their claims of coming from space. there are some weird threads here like, at first aliens claimed to be from mars + close planets, but as our tech advanced they now claim to be from extremely far off stars
this all got kicked into overdrive when an explanation i never considered but that is extremely obvious was dropped on me like a ton of bricks by an extremely woke dude named seraphim rose.
the phenomenon of beings who come in darkness and who like to fuck with humans who have a weird sexual aspect who lie about who they are to try and suck people into their world is well documented in human history, it just goes by a different name.

theyre demons.
aliens are obviously an extension of the demonological phenomenon. this dovetails perfectly with the theme of sex and alien hybrids, and explains their supraphysical nature (ie their “ships” aren’t literally physical ships like ours but supraphysical like a spiritual phenomenon).
we’ll get to this more later, but in this thread as im describing demons, dont think of like, hellfire black shadow beings with pitchforks. demons are “just” fallen angels. theyre angels that are in rebellion against god so they have the power of angels but do what they want.
it just so happens to be the case that in the book of Enoch the fallen angels come to earth and bang earth women and create a race of human fallen angel hybrids and give humans a bunch of tech. hmmmm thats interesting, we’ll come back to this.
not gonna post all the evidence like I said as this would take days but u can look into it. ill just say the amount of data on people having these sexual+ hybrid based alien encounters is huge, its completely unable to be dismissed as a body of evidence, whatever u think about it
theres also a few famous “alien” people who wrote books about their encounters who also came to this conclusion independently. one guy even, who had repeat abductions, said eventually he felt like his soul was in jeopardy and thats what they wanted, he felt they were evil.
theres also a researcher who was an atheist who decided to research the “strange” reality of peoples experiences where, theyd be abducted multiple times (common) but eventually theyd realize that saying the name of Jesus would stop the encounter and make them stop entirely.
he found that other researchers knew about this but didnt want to touch it. he found a lot of people who desperately wanted these abductions to stop and nothing worked until they tried this. he became christian later. just something to look into if you want.
so that was the first big piece of the puzzle, that the alien phenomenon is an extension of the demonological phenomenon. I thought this was extremely interesting and it gradually became part of my worldview as more data only reinforced this conclusion. next piece of the puzzle..
for the same reason i avoided the topic of aliens, i also avoided other “paranormal” stuff. it was totally uninteresting to me as i had no way of confirming peoples stories and people could be making them up for attention so, i basically had no opinion or interest in that sphere
this all changed when i heard a dude named david paulides on a conspiracy podcast i often check out (the higherside chats). this is review for people that really follow me but im painting a whole picture here so, just roll with it.
basically, he is an ex-cop who got hired by these two rich guys to research Bigfoot (pretty sure this is the origin story). these two rich guys were talking and figured out they both had the same bigfoot encounters when they were super young. naturally this intrigued them.
so they wanted to get to the bottom of it, so they hired this ex-cop to do a real investigation into what the reality and what the fiction of all this bigfoot stuff is. thats David paulides. In the course of looking into this he discovered an extremely strange phenomenon.
he found hundreds and hundreds of cases of people straight up disappearing, usually in national parks, with zero possible explanation. to give you an example of what im describing, im talking two people are together, one walks behind a boulder, and bam, theyre never seen again.
dogs, FBI, helicopters, search and rescue, will all fail to find any trace of this person. theres hundreds of cases like this. sometimes theyll inexplicably re-turn up in a place that was already searched, or miles and miles away in a place they never could have gotten to.
theyre often never found. or, a kid will go missing and turn up miles away 4,000 feet up on a peak a kid couldnt have gotten to. wont go into all the details but when you look at the details of each case its truly inexplicable, its actually mind blowing.
the disappearances tend to happen in spatial clusters that are only observable in a huge time scale. like one place will have these disappearances once every 20 years so, no one would notice unless theyre surveying the whole thing like he was.
so, he drops the bigfoot thing and makes this his main project. its called Missing411. now, even moreso than the aliens thing, i was looking at stone cold evidence of something paranormal. real cases with real people with the real authorities with real families, its real.
now the weird thing is that the trends you see in these missing persons cases PERFECTLY dovetail with certain “mythologies”. most notably, what are referred to as the fairy folk, the fae, from Celtic countries, who i will be referring to here as fairies.
for anyone that doesnt know, fairies in folklore are nothing like tinker bell fairies. theyre like an invisible civilization that lives somewhat alongside or above (like literally physically above) humans that enjoys messing with us and have powers and are very dangerous.
theyre actually very similar to the djinn in Islamic + Persian cultures, and beings described in many systems. the djinn (thats where the word genie comes from), are like a third thing aside from humans and angels who also are invisible, live alongside humans in a parallel world
im trying to paint a little bit of a nuanced picture here which is why I bring the djinn in. in both of these systems, its not really that these things are EVIL like we think of when we hear the word evil, it’s more that they’re powerful and can do whatever they want.
for example in most Islamic and Persian systems I’ve seen, the djinn can be Muslim, or they can be whatever, they can be evil, or just apathetic and not care, they can do and be whatever they want. consider this in light of the fallen angels, who are fallen because...
they’re in rebellion against god. im not making any theological posits here, of course theyre bad, im just saying I think you will get a clearer picture of things if you think of evil in my story as “in rebellion against god”, its a spectrum, like humans:
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