Miscarriages and toilets. CW - graphic thread about miscarriages, incredibly sensitive topic (I know, I've been there). Do women really suffer miscarriages in public toilets or is this a "crazy topic" made up by GC feminists to advance a transphobic agenda?
This was the question posed by @RipTaraWB, arguing that this was "a feminist brain fart of attack" on trans women. Are miscarriages in toilets a TERF weapon to attack trans women? Or is a real trauma and NOT all about trans women?
Well, for me personally although I had surgical management for my miscarriages, I certainly experienced lots of bleeding from my failed pregnancy in public toilets https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094718562244149250
OP argued that surely women miscarry in medical facilities, and GC feminists are making up the notion of miscarrying in public toilets? https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094727345796206593
650 pregnancies a *day* are miscarried in the UK https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094730201811042305
And that's not including the threatened miscarriages when discovering bleeding in public toilets https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094730984413646849
Miscarrying in toilets is a made up GC attack weapon by TERFs, yes? https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094731876466610176
Miscarriages in public toilets is just a weapon to attack trans women, yes?
Yep, definitely made up to attack trans women, not a real thing https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094732239890452480
Surely the OP didn't genuinely mean to doubt that women really experienced this trauma? Oh. Apparently GC feminists brought up this 'crazy topic'. Women's trauma is crazy, apparently
Yep, this is all made up to attack trans women https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094733398663487490
Sorry, miscarriages in cafe toilets? Definitely made up https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094733868735827971
A young girl miscarrying her foetus into an airplane toilet? Those GC feminists are so selfish to make up such a 'crazy topic' https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094734558820483073
A woman would never be faced with flushing her dead baby down the toilet would she? Oh. https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094735153455382528
Yep, definitely just a GC feminist weapon. All about transphobia. Never happens https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094735882475765760
Doesn't happen at work. Definitely not. https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094736697022124032
Doesn't happen when out and about in public toilets. All a GC feminist brain fart of attack, clearly https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094736993811083265
Miscarrying women's horrific trauma is ALL about trans women's rights to use female facilities, obviously https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094737295381544960
Yep, definitely always happens in medical facilities, what do toilets have to do with miscarriages? https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094737984891564036
Definitely a feminist 'brain fart of attack' for sure https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094738220288495617
Remember, 'your side started this crazy topic'. The physical and emotional pain and heartbreak of pregnancy loss is a 'crazy topic'?
No. No it's not. https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094738596039483392
Miscarrying foetal tissue into toilet paper? Made up by GC feminists https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094740023012921345
Miscarriages in toilets is def made up just to attack trans women. TERF agenda. https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094740495505547264
Women's traumatic loss in toilets is definitely Not A Real Thing https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094741027074859008
I wish that this 'crazy topic' was a rare event that evil feminists were weaponising to support a transphobic agenda. But it's not. It's a reality. It's traumatic. Calling this a crazy topic is unspeakably cruel.
This is not a 'brain fart of attack;. This is real trauma. https://twitter.com/wanderingwomb1/status/1094743214530224128
Remember, miscarriage is natural, so we should just get over it. Women's trauma is just feminist sheep promoting a toxic debate.
Dead babies aren't a weapon. It's women's reality. It's not *about you*. It's about women's privacy & dignity in one of the most traumatic experiences of so many women's lives. Shame on you.
OP's response? (other than to block me)
Yep. Calling the loss of dead babies a 'crazy topic' is totally justified apparently.
Other studies show the depression and anxiety experienced by many women after a miscarriage can continue for years (even after a successful birth)

To all my sisters in loss, my heart goes out to you. Please know your pain is real, and valid. And it's NOT a "brain fart of attack".

To OP? Shame on you.
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