In June 2016, former Ohio Rep BOB MCEWEN met in Ukraine w/ Borys Kolesnikov, an oligarch who wired money into PAUL MANAFORT's Cyprus accounts from 2010-2014.

McEwen is a paid director of United in Purpose, a data operation that has multiple data points on 200 million voters! /1
What was McEwen doing in Ukraine in June 2016?

Well, he appears to have joined up w/ Rep Bob Aderholt there for the Ukraine Prayer Breakfast.

McEwen and Aderholt have ties to the Fellowship Foundation, known for sponsoring the National Prayer Breakfast. /2
Just before meeting w/ McEwen & Kolesnikov, Aderholt met w/ Rinat Akhmetov who's "reportedly Ukraine's richest man" and "put millions of dollars in Manafort's pockets."

Plus, "Akhemetov was also the patron of Yanukovych's political efforts, which included hiring Manafort." /3
Aderholt's original itinerary didn't include this visit to Ukraine, but it was later amended to include it, as well as his meeting w/ Akhmetov and the immediately-following meeting with Kolesnikov & McEwen to discuss "the current concerns and issues in the country and region." /4
NOTE: Both Ukrainian oligarchs Aderholt met w/ on 6/1/16 (Akhmetov & Kolesnikov) were named in Rick Gates' testimony as having transferred millions of $'s to Manafort's Cyprus accounts!

And McEwen is known to have attended at least one of the meetings, the one w/ Kolesnikov. /5
Also remember that, in May 2018, "[Ukrainian President Petro] Poroshenko's government had ceased cooperating with the Mueller investigation and suspended its own inquiry into Manafort's activities." /6
As for Kolesnikov--the Ukrainian oligarch McEwen & Aderholt met w/ on 6/1/16--he not only wired $ to Manafort in Cyprus, his assets were frozen by Switzlerland on 2/28/14 "b/c of his role in Yanukovich's government as the Interior Ministry's department for economic security." /7
Also, Kolesnikov is "considered an ally of Rinat Akhmetov" (the Ukrainian oligarch Aderholt met w/ just before meeting w/ Kolesnikov & McEwen), and Kolesnikov & Akhmetov "have been friends from a young age."

So McEwen meeting w/ just one is perhaps not unlike meeting w/ both. /8
It's not like McEwen, a longtime lobbyist, doesn't have a history of supporting unsavory characters. In Dec 2010, he signed a 3-month contract at the rate of $25k per month to assist Ivory Coast's ambassador to the US and was effectively lobbying for strongman Laurent Gbagbo. /9
Gbagbo, who refused to step down after losing the 2010 election, has "been on trial since 2016 in the International Criminal Court accused of carrying out widespread, systemic attacks against civilians and crimes against humanity including murder, rape, and persecution." /10
Let's also not forget that Russian spy Mariia Butina engaged in double-penetration--not just of the NRA, but also of members and organizers of the National Prayer Breakfast, the latter of which McEwen's been involved in since at least 1983. /11
Besides the FBI's affidavit on Butina making reference to USP 1 (Paul Erickson) & USP 2 (Rockefeller heir George O'Neill), it also states she emailed an "organizer" of the prayer breakfast to thank "him" for "the very private meeting that followed," adding she has more info. /12
We also know Butina met with and arranged a meeting between Dana Rohrabacher and her mentor, Alexander Torshin, in 2015.

While Butina isn't the focal point of my thread, it's worth wondering just how prolific and deep her penetration went. Right, Bob? /13
That said, the focus of my thread is McEwen, his directorship of an org that has data on 200M voters, his meeting in June 2016 w/ a Ukrainian oligarch tied to Manafort, and, as I'll discuss next, McEwen's seemingly close relationship w/ Trump before & after the 2016 election. /14
As w/ Ralph Reed and his Faith & Freedom Coalition (501c4 w/ data on up to 55M voters, examined in my thread below), I'm very concerned by McEwen's highly-charged partisanship and access to Trump as he leads United in Purpose (501c4 w/ data on 200M). /15
My sleuthing discovered that McEwen appears to have personally met Trump on/around both 10/3/16 and 10/7/16.

In his 10/3/16 post, McEwen also mentions another UiP director, David Barton, being present at the meeting with Trump. /16
David Barton previously had run Ted Cruz's Keep The Promise PAC before Trump's nomination and is also a highly-charged partisan--albeit even more intense--with a theocratic, biblical worldview. /17
After the election, McEwen and his wife appear to have enjoyed VIP access to Trump, Pence, family, and more. /18
Pic #1 (9/25/17) - Is McEwen sneaking a pic of @realDonaldTrump from inside the White House and posting it publicly on social media? WTF?!

Pic #2 (6/24/17) - Nevermind that @VP is blinking... as long as BOB looks good, it's going on Facebook! /19
Reviewing McEwen's posts is a lot like seeing a "Who's Who" of Trumpalos:

1. Dinesh "Pardon Me" D'souza (Jul 2014)
2. Bibi (Feb 2016... hmmm)
3. Sheriff Clarke (Jul 2016)
4. Nigel Farage (Mar 2017) /18

There are more... these are just the ones who made my top four. /20
Regarding McEwen's highly-charged partisanship, here's McEwen tossing around inflammatory memes on social media like your assh*le uncle.

Oh, but the irony of that last meme, right? ;) /21
What McEwen has to say in his own words isn't really all that nice, either.

But what can I say?

Poor guy his news from Breitbart. /22
Like Ralph Reed, McEwen doesn't seem like a fan of the Mueller investigation, but I'd expect better from a former member of House Intel like McEwen.

Perhaps he's the "Devin Nunes" of former Congressmen. /23
In my final chapter on Bob McEwen, I'd like to point out that he is the "Executive Director" for the Council for National Policy.

In 2016, McEwen was paid $214k by CNP for 40 hrs/wk, which is in addition to the $60k from UiP (voter operation w/ data on 200M) for 8 hrs/wk. /24
@jennycohn1 knows quite a bit about CNP, which is a secretive umbrella org whose members include Pence, the Mercers, Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, the DeVos family, Wayne LaPierre, UiP's Bill Dallas, Faith & Freedom Coalition's Ralph Reed, and Jack Abramoff. /25
So, knowing everything I now know about Bob McEwen and Ralph Reed whose 501c4 orgs boast having data on 200M and 55M, respectively, I'm not comfortable with their extreme partisanship, their access to voter data, and their close, personal ties to Trump.

None of us should be. /26
As Bill Dallas, the President of UiP (under McEwen's directorship) said, “We have about 200 million files, so we have pretty much the whole voting population in our database... What we do is track to see what’s going to make somebody either vote one way, or not vote at all.” /27
Again, final question:

Why in the world was former Ohio Rep Bob McEwen (who has access to voter data on 200M) meeting in June 2016 with Borys Kolesnikov, a Ukrainian oligarch who wired millions of $'s to Manafort's Cyprus accounts? /28x

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