The first day of Black History month will always be dedicated to my unsung hero. Thread. 👇🏾
Betty Jean Owens is an African American woman who was brutally raped by four white men in Tallahassee, Florida in 1959. Her trial was significant in Florida, and the South as a whole, because the white men were given life sentences for their crimes.
This severe of a sentencing had not occurred for white men in the South accused of raping black women previous to Owens' case. Below: The first picture is of Florida A&M students sitting in the courtroom during Betty's trial.
The second picture is a photo of the cover of the 1959 May edition of the Famuan. The picture on the cover of the Famuan is of over one thousand Florida A&M students who gathered on the university’s quadrangle to demand justice for Betty Jean Owens.
The cover picture was taken on May 4, 1959 two days after the incident. The first time I heard the story of Betty Jean Owens it changed my life and it really hit home. I heard her story for the first time my freshmen year during my African-America History class.
My professor was giving a lecture on the civil rights movement, and how we weren't far-removed from that era. He said most of the people who fought for our rights are still living amongst us. He began to tell the story of Betty Jean Owens.
After telling her story, my professor told us about how recently during a commencement ceremony, the President of FAMU called Betty Owens out of the audience to render homage. Being from Tallahassee, this story was interesting to me because I had never heard of Betty Jean Owens.
At the time, I was living with my grandparents. When I got home I asked my grandmother (who's also from Tallahassee) if she had ever heard the story of Betty Jean Owens. Before I could tell her what I learned that day in class she began to cry. I asked, "Grandma, what's wrong?”
" She said, "I am Betty Jean Owens." 🙊 #BlackHistoryMonth #PayingHomage ✊🏾 #BettyJeanOwens
Send all letters to [email protected] . Thank you. 🙏🏾
Today’s my grandmother’s 80th birthday!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to write her. Your letters are greatly appreciated and will be presented to her today in this book.

Also, thank you Dr. @dmcguire13 for coordinating this letter writing campaign.
You can follow @AmonteMartin.
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