The conversation about #OpenUpTheIndustry is being misunderstood by those who are already in the industry and those who want to be in it.
The industry is small and it is still growing. With the current state of the industry, we need new talent both on camera and behind but that can only be possible once we create more platforms and spaces for everyone to exist. We all have a place in the table #OpenUpTheIndustry
Not everyone has an opportunity to go to Johannesburg and join an agency with the hope of getting a role, modeling gig, radio slot etc. The industry needs to grow in order for it to exist in other parts of the country besides JHB. #OpenUpTheIndustry
We need a Uzalo in EC or in the Free State and those shows have to have people who live in that province. This will help a lot with the unemployment and mostly, the audience will be exposed to more new faces.
On the other hand, social media loves focusing on the popular shows or mainstreams. Mzansi Magic has local movies playing everyday. That is part of #OpenUpTheIndustry. There are new faces, directors and writers. We need to acknowledge that.
There are community TV stations and radio stations. That is part of Opening up The Industry. Have we paid attention to any of them? These TV stations are available on DSTv. Do we take the time to explore and actually see what is out there? I think NOT! #OpenUpTheIndustry
We will not see a lot of new faces if there are not enough Broadcasting channels for dramas or soapies to exist. It is impossible. The more platforms we have, the more chances we will see new talent but at the time, we need to be honest as an audience. Do we watch everything?
A lot of actors I've seen in popular shows have actually started in those local movies that play on Mzansi Wethu. There is growth but people need to realise when we ask for the industry to open, we are not saying those who are already in it need to sit back. Nope.
The industry also needs to start paying people. I'm sure if the salaries were good, actors or presenters would not be threatened by #OpenUpTheIndustry and we would not see people having 5 jobs just to feel like you are earning enough.
You can follow @SindiswaNene.
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