idk what this is yet but I had an idea
ME: huh, wonder why there aren't many games on a weird grid like this
ME: *enters world of pain*
sometimes you gotta go back to move forward
still no point, but making progress
A big question mark is: what should happen when you hit a corner? It probably shouldn't pick a random direction to flow. Should it all go to one side? How should it break? Hmmmm...
we have a winner
OR... we could sidestep the problem completely
makes it hard to see exactly where it's gonna land, and makes me feel a little ill though
starting to act like a game
Matching 2x2 diamonds with 2 block colors is pretty fun. 3 block colors is brutal.

Matching lines of 3 with 4 block colors is pretty fun, too, and allows for more frequent chains. Hmmm.
what if lines AND diamonds, though?
an interesting thing I've noticed while playing this game: towards the bottom, blocks tend to flow inward, but as you pile up, they start to flow outward, and you have to adjust your strategy
a couple of people have said this looks like a stealth domino's game, and listen, I'm ready to make that a reality for the right price @dominos get at me
Working on some particle effects. Also, uhhhh this game is kind of addictive
fresh squeezed juice
reworking how blocks fall if you hit a corner today. I think instead of swapping directions, it should go in the last direction you moved the block, so the player has control. There's still some kinks to work out, though...
I SOLVED IT! Feelin' like a brain genius
Blocks no longer break on corners. They fall in the last direction you pushed. Makes things way more predictable, should be better for strategy!
experimenting with some dynamic music ideas today
I just wanna say thanks for all the love this thread is getting! Pretty much all my other work is under NDA, so it feels good to get this level of good feedback on a thing I'm making
can't sleep, so here's a 3am quality-of-life update: a nice preview of where your block will land
needs more juice
the ripple effect code I wrote had some weird issues I didn't like, so I'm trying out an old ripple trick I found online. It's more reliable, but less clean looking? We'll see if I keep it
gonna be showing this at #TokyoIndies next week :0
Announcement time: The game has a name! Everybody say hi to Mixolumia!
Thanks to everyone who had nice things to say about Mixolumia at #TokyoIndies! Y'all are lovely and I can't wait to hang out again
I've gotten a few comments about how quickly this has progressed, and that's pretty true! But keep in mind I've prioritized flashy tweetable goodness over less interesting but very important features like pausing, toggling full screen, saving scores, etc...
I'll get to this stuff, but I think it's important to recognize some of the most time consuming yet crucial aspects of developing a game make for totally unremarkable gifs
for #screenshotsaturday here's a peek at the scoring and level system I'm working on for Mixolumia. Also, now you can preview the next piece you're getting
just a heads up: I gotta put this game on hold for a bit so I can catch up with other stuff. I seriously appreciate all your enthusiasm and support, which I did not expect (otherwise I would have budgeted my time differently, heh)
HEY did you know you could be playing Mixolumia RIGHT NOW? I started a Patreon and $5+ pledges get exclusive early access! If you wanna support development on this game, check it out
people are sending me screenshots of their high scores and it makes me so happy
you can pause Mixolumia now, and I'm setting up a menu system to allow for user options/settings and selecting different game modes in the future. $5+ patrons, be sure to update!
got some good work done on different game modes. Needs some more testing and then an update will go out to early access folks (probably next week)
"Relax" mode turns the block dropping speed off, so it only moves down via your input. When you fill up the board, everything clears and you can just keep going.

I tried to give this a non-judgmental name, but I'm open to suggestions if you've got a better one
user settings... are coming...
color palette swapping is coming! Just gotta decide on what kind of palettes to include... this one is inspired by @celechii's game Grim Rogue
I've got a couple color palettes in mind
if you'd like to suggest a palette, here's a template!
even if I don't include it, palettes will be editable via an .ini file. In the future, I'd like to add an interface to create/edit palettes within the game
Really lovely palette from @qkjosh!
Mixolumia 0.1.4: The Colorful Update is here!
shoutouts to @lateralismusic, @HexaBlu, and @backontheteam for submitting the killer palettes featured in this clip
Been working on the dynamic music system. My goal is for other people to be able to make music packs they can then drop right into the game. Essentially, this JSON defines block clear sounds wrapped into chord progressions associated w/ bgm loops that are advanced via gameplay
this is all scratch sounds but you can get an idea of how the song can seamlessly shift as you play
when that snare comes in tho
heard you like dynamic musical sound effects. new Mixolumia update coming soon...
Mixolumia version 0.2.0 just went up on Itch for $5 patreon people!! I'll write up a proper post later but in the meantime, have fun!
some folks wanted a 2-minute time attack mode, so that's in the works
adding adjustable movement speed in case you need finer control, better accessibility, or you just wanna get wild with it
Cool news! Mixolumia will be at Tokyo Sandbox in Akihabara on April 11 + 12 2020!!
mixolumia can have little a bloom
adding this news to the Big Mixolumia Thread: Josie Brechner is gonna do some music for the game!! Extremely jazzed about this
well, this has taken forever, but hopefully somebody will make use of player profiles in Mixolumia. Each profile gets their own settings now along with saving high scores
I finally had time to develop my music for Mixolumia properly and uhhhh maybe it slaps? you be the judge
bloom and particle effects ramp up at higher levels now which is cool when you're playing but pretty rough on twitter's video compression haha
oh and here's a special version for #TransDayOfVisibility 🏳️‍⚧️
Do all those flashy effects in Mixolumia cause an accessibility issue for you? I just pushed a small update that lets you turn all that stuff off if you want!
been working on Mixolumia's UI and some extremely soothing menu music + sfx
some improvements to the game mode selection UI
I'm playing with this little bit of floating text that tells you how cool your combo was. I'm wondering, though, since the combo multiplier is capped at 4x, should it display "max combo" or show you the number anyway if you get something bigger?
I'm thinking about doing away with Intense mode (basically endless mode starting at max speed level) and allowing players to pick a starting speed level in any mode. This would allow for skilled players to get higher scores in Marathon, for example
hmmm I'm not sure about this. There's something really appealing to me about marathon being a level playing field and rewarding carefully setting up combos to pay off later instead of rewarding faster reaction time?
but setting up big combos under additional pressure from the start should be rewarded more if you can do it, right? This feature would raise the ceiling a lot for advanced players. Really interested in hearing opinions on this
doing some testing, it's possible for a *really* skillfully played game starting at level 0 to get more points than a really mediocre game starting at level 15, but just barely
I think what I'm going to do is: instead of getting rid of Intense mode and complicating the settings by allowing for customizable starting level and muddying the achievement of Marathon high scores, I'm going to put a cap on Intense mode so it can be "beaten" like Marathon
ok yeah that feels a lot better than just trying to play at level 15 as long as possible
a few people have requested the ability to play without music (you monsters) so I'm working on a minimalist soundpack. when you turn off all the effects and switch to a limited color palette too, it sure brings a whole different mood to the game
I feel so lucky to have Josie contributing to Mixolumia. Her music takes it to a whole new level
i hope you like stats because i am now tracking and saving A BUNCH OF STUFF in mixolumia
it's happening
getting in some nice-to-have features as a treat to myself. here's a little indicator to show how close you are to beating your high score, and then a color change when you've gotten there
nobody say anything when the launch trailer comes out and doesn't show this lol i already recorded the footage
HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT: Mixolumia is NOW AVAILABLE on @itchio! Get ready for the sparkling, musical indie puzzler of your dreams 🤩
On launch day, we were featured on itch next to the legendary Frog Fractions, which is the highest honor I could possibly imagine, and we are currently the #1 top selling game. I'm... overwhelmed. But so so so thankful to you all
y'all, the Verge just wrote about this thread. i don't know what to say except: please buy the game so Josie and I can afford to keep making cool stuff? 
also please please please download and launch the game from the lovely itch app ( ) so you get the latest updates automatically
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