Think I'll get started on some of these obscure SNK references pertaining to music! I have a some half-dozen of them off the top of my head that I'll include in the thread below!
Fatal Fury 3 - Sokaku's Stage: A few here, so this'll be in 3 parts. One is "Joy Division" on a sign in the background.

Joy Division was an English post-punk band that became New Order after their lead singer died. You may have heard "Atmosphere" or - as N.O. - "Temptation."
Another from Sokaku's stage: "One Hundred Fools."

This one is a deep cut: "100 Fools" by Deniz Tek (as part of Radio Birdman). Another one in the Punk genre, this time from Australia. References to the lyrics making way into the stage with "desert sun."
And there seems to be others on Sokaku's stage that are hidden in parallax & stage transitions like Easter eggs. "1999" on one of the signs as a possible reference to Prince, "Never Ends" and "Let's Get Happy?" on other signs which may be more references, but sadly lost on me.
The King of Fighters '94 - Ikari Warrior Stage (Brazil) theme - "Jungle Bouncer."

If you're a fan of Faith No More, you'll recognize "Jungle Bouncer" as having the same riff (and breakdown towards the end) as FNM's "Surprise! You're Dead!"
Iori Yagami: a 3-piece for this. Folks used to be confused by the strap of his pants them, but that's actually authentic: they're called bondage (aka BDSM) pants and they were popular in the punk scene in the late 70's-80's. Casey Affleck wears them in the movie "200 Cigarettes."
While on the topic of BDSM (big in the mid-90's), we venture into KOF '96 and the Yagami Team. Each represents the different aspects whether it be through moves / quotes (here and in future appearances).

Iori represents Bondage and Domination, Mature: Sadism; Vice: Masochism.
And to finish up with the Yagami Team, they're certainly inspired by the Human League, another post-Punk band. You might be familiar with a couple songs of theirs "Don't You Want Me" and "Fascination" that was -all over- MTV back in the day.
I think that'll wrap it up for me for tonight, but I'll add to this tomorrow and in the future as more things come to me. Hope you found it interesting!
Been meaning to get back to this for awhile, but here's a quick one. There's a mural to David Bowie on Rock Howard's stage in Garou: Mark of the Wolves.
Furthermore, there are points in Rock's theme "Spread the Wings" where you'll hear the melody from Robert Miles' "Children" of which the composer(s) was a fan.

Robert Miles stated that one of the inspirations for writing ‘Children' were the child war victims in photographs his father brought home from a humanitarian mission to former Yugoslavia.

I like to think that this fits Rock as well, as he is casualty of Geese & Terry's feud.
Bringing things back to the Yagami Team, I was reminded of something else: Vice & Mature's movesets are named after metal bands:

Vice: Mayhem, Deicide, Outrage, Withering Surface, Gorefest, etc.

Mature: (Metal) Massacre, Deathrow, Ebony Tears, Heaven's Gate, Despair, etc.
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