I think i'm ready to make my "stefan salvatore is the worst written character in television history" thread.
The reason I hate stefan actually has nothing to do with all the horrible things he has done, its the fact that he does incredibly shitty things and is still labelled as the "good guy." He is also the most inconsistantly written character and had zero character development.
stefan is a pathalogical liar. More often than not, when stefan talks about his past he leaves out crucial facts or recounts information that is so completely untrue. Like here, he tells elena that he learned control on his own when it was actually lexi who taught him.
Stefan constantly insinuated that HE was the one to let damon back into HIS life which is not true. 3/4 flashbacks where defan are vampires shows that it was stefan who would seek after damon and want to be let back into damon's life, not the other way around. 1912 flashback.
stefan insinuates that damon follows him everywhere when actually damon spent most of his vampire life minding his own business.
what's so funny about this line is it was actually damon who wanted to get away from stefan who was causing all the pain and death.
even stefan's very first line on the show was a lie: "Lived in secret" literally everyone knew he was the ripper of monterey. "Hiding in the shadows" bitch you have a fucking daylight ring. "Alone in the world" Lexi was literally by his side 90% of the time i-
this was just a straight up lie, stefan really tried to make elena look like a cheater and have everyone feel sorry for him when we all know know elena slept with damon AFTER their breakup. They didn't breakup bc she slept with damon.
THIS LIE OMG, IT WAS LITERALLY THE OTHER WAY AROUND!! okay this is a deleted scene, but the fact that this was actually written in the script, approved, filmed and then approved to be in the deleted scenes just shows how crappy and inconsistant the writing was for stefan.
i really just can't get over this blatant lie especially when stefan himself said elena was the first person who believed in damon just a season before. what's worse is that its not ooc for stefan to say this bc he is constantly lying about everything else.
there's not a consistant bone is stefan's body. he was the one who made the whole "I'll leave town if elena chooses you" plan and when damon wants to go through with it he's like "nah you're just being dramatic." WHAT!!! It was literally stefan's idea in the first place.
what's actually so funny is stefan literally leaves town after elena chooses damon and yet no one called him dramatic. it was all "poor stefan." Every one needs to tip toe around him bc he's such a cry baby.
anyways back to the lying. he lies so much i needed to take a break for a sec. stefan lied to elena about her identical appearance to katherine even when the opportunity rose to tell her after lexi brought it up and elena had to find out herself bc stefan never told her the truth
another straight up lie, he doesn't tell elena about his ripper past and makes her believe this is the first time he's lost control.
because stefan lied to elena about being the "perfect vampire" she was completely blind sided when she saw him lose control. He never told her how dangerous he really was.
he doesn't answer elena's question about kelly bc he doesnt want to tell her that he tasted her blood, he then maneuvers the conversation to the part when he was in control so he can convince elena that he's fine.
if you call keeping an entire side of you a secret from elena “not pretending” then sure.
i just don't know how people think stefan and elena had a healthy relationship when he was constantly lying to her about everything and keep secrets from her.
IM DYING!!!! stefan doesn't like lying to elena bc he thinks he's not good at it, not bc he feels guilty or you know bc its bad to lie to the person you're dating lmao wtf who wrote his scenes???
stefan says he'll tell elena the truth about everything and won't hold anything back in 1x06 and then in 1x19 he literally loses his shit when elena finds out about more of his lies.
how narcissist do you have to be to call yourself the "good brother" while knowing you've killed thousands of people. say what you want about damon, but he always acknowledged how bad he was even when he was trying to change.
you know stefan is right, he didnt hurt people, HE TORMENTED THEM. remember when he forced a man to drink his wife's blood and watched with satisfaction??? that is some ramsay bolton level of sick and twisted shit.
yep stefan doesn't hurt people, except for that time when a whole ass school had to shut down bc stefan ate the students.
idk perhaps stefan has selective memory and forgot about his wall of victims
we definitely can't forget about the time stefan literally ate CHILDREN
i'm actually speechless
this is hands down THE most infuriating stefan scene ever. i think my thread so far pretty much sums up my argument that stefan is a compulsive liar and he really has the audacity to say he's not. he literally lies 50x per episode. he's a self-righteous, hyporcritical psycho.
i- i- i- am FUMING. stefan lied to elena about his control issues, he lied to her about her appearence to katherine, he lied to her when he was drinking blood again, he lied to her about past events n gave her inaccurate information. YET he calls damon the liar?? Huh?? HYPORCRITE
honestly who wrote his scenes???? if he really wanted elena to know the truth, why did he literally have a panic attack every time she found out the truth???? DEAD!!!
nowhere did elena say "damon you should date other people." what the fuck is stefan talking about???? agsfcahsgjk
okay the only reason damon needs stefan's help is bc he is literally about to get bitten by a werewolf bc he didn't give up stefan's location to the armory. like why does stefan have to be an asshole about it???? HE'S LITERALLY AN ASSHOLE.
let's not forget that stefan was bitching for half a season about needing damon's help with the scar, but when damon needs his help its a fucking inconvience. WHAT?????
they were really still calling stefan a good vampire even in season 7??? seriously who tf did stefan have to kill for people to finally realize that he wasn't good??? i just want to know. His wall of victims obviously wasn't enough to convince people that he was bad.
this really is one of the dumbest lines on the show. i just don't know how caroline made damon having sex seem worse than stefan killings thousands of people. stefan's bad actions were always overlooked by everyone.
anyways stefan was a whole ass stalker and this was literally never questioned on the show. He didn't stalk elena bc vampire's stalk their prey, he stalked elena bc he wanted to insert himself into her life. couldn't he have gotten to know her the normal way??? creepy!
he really enrolled himself into elena's high school so he could follow her around like a psycho. nothing says romance like stalking your ex grilfriends lookalike.
and let's be real yall if stefan went as far as to enroll himself into elena's high school, he sure as hell would have enrolled himself into elena's classes too.
yeah you knew she fell bc you were following her dumbass, like????
he even eavesdropped on her conversations i-
oh so stefan, you wouldn't want someone to read your private journal, but its fine that you listen in on elena's private conversations??? hyporcrite.
no stefan, you know where she lives bc you've spent the last few months following her every move.
I’m dying at the fact that stefan literally snooped through the city records to get more information about elena and he says this so nonchalantly like it’s a normal thing to do agsjdjfk meanwhile elena didn’t even know he existed.
the irony, its just too funny.
stefan loves to bitch about damon until he needs his help
so let me get this straight, stefan convinces elena that there a two sides of him and then he calls her an idiot for believing exactly what he said???
so basically stefan calls elena an idiot, screams in her face, pushes her into a wall and then he is the one to be consoled?? tf
so do yall just choose to forget how agressive stefan was with elena??? i dont know about yall but smacking the bottle of blood out of elena's hands was a bit extra.
did stefan really have to twist elena's arm like that??? he twisted her arm so hard the syringe literally fell out of her hand and no his humanity was not off in this moment.
character regression???
stefan really threw elena's phone out the window, then left her on the bridge her parents died on after force feeding her his blood and trying to drive her off said bridge and yet yall still continue to say that elena didn't deserve "sweet, pure, humble stefan." smh.
he's such a cry baby, he doesn't even apologize after traumatizing elena and then he makes everything about himself while also undermining and not even acknowleging the fact that elena spent her entire summer trying to save him which he never even thanked her for.
what i hate the most is how everyone seemed to forgive and forget what stefan did to elena on the bridge so quickly bc its always "poor stefan" like caroline who was so eager to jump back on "team stefan" even after everything he did to elena all season.
I HATE THIS!! the writers tried to hype stefan up so much, tried to make the audience forget how horribly he treated elena and really had elena say that stefan was the "perfect boyfriend" idk how the writers thought lying, abusing, manipulating = perfect boyfriend.
except he did, on numerous occasions idk if the writers forgot or just didnt care bc they constantly needed to hype up stefan to make him look better than he actually was. The writers wanted to make the audience forget the shitty things stefan did to prop him up as the "good guy"
speaking of hyping up stefan, did the writers just forget that elena n caroline were on the show too? whats so funny is qetsiyah was literally spying on everyone from the other side n yet only stefan has a conscience? how is it that stefan always got credit, but no one else did?
lets not forget about the time the writers gave all the credit for why caroline is good at being a vampire to stefan as if caroline didnt successfully feed and compel on her very first try without anyones help, but stefan got credit for what, teaching her how to breathe one time?
this literally makes no sense, who did stefan teach how to be a vampire? he didn't teach damon, he didn't teach elena, he only helped caroline breathe one time. stefan was the one who always needed everyone to help HIM. This was just another way to hype up stefan for no reason.
YOU GUYS HE'S SUCH A FUCKING LIAR. he didn't pull away and instantly realize katherine was in elena's body. stefan spent an entire day with "elena" and didn't think anything was wrong until damon and caroline mentioned the weird things going on. i'm tired of his lies.
one of my biggest problems with stefan was is inability to ever take any responsibilty for his actions. yes, damon convinced him to drink human blood again in 1912, but it was also stefan's choice to listen to him and go through with it. he wasn't forced.
this doesn't make any sense bc damon literally didn't do anything. firstly "needy" wtf, it was stefan who sought after damon while damon was minding his own business and it was charlotte who brought the bloody girl infront of stefan, so how was this damon's fault???
i literally can't stand him. No one forced stefan to do anything, he refused to get help, lied to elena about drinking blood again and he doesn't take any responsibility for it. He started to drink blood again bc he wanted to, not bc anyone forced him to do it.
i just want to show a clear difference between the two characters.
stefan even went as far as to blame elena for why he was lying to her like wtf
stefan is literally a psycho, does he really not see how he's in the wrong?? he's been lying to elena the moment he met her and he blames damon for making elena question that.
stefan is super condescending, he has this patronizing attitude that reeks of superiority. His little snide comments about damon are so unnecessary. Its literally something he does continuously throughout the show. we get it, u love to belittle people to make yourself feel better
honestly stefan literally never makes any sense. like how can he say this when he knows all the selfless things damon has done, like the time he turned abby for stefan so he wouldn't have more things to feel guilty about.
what about the time when they were kids and damon took the blame for something he didn't do, so he would get a beating from his father and not stefan.
there was also the time when damon tired to distract klaus and almost got killed just to give stefan and elena a moment together.
stefan also knew that damon wanted to hide his death from elena even tho he could have used his death to get sympathy from her.
the fact that he threatens to kill aaron and then 5 seconds later pretends like he wasnt going to do just that, and the "not all of us are like my brother" line wtf was that? is he insinuating that he isn't a killer... IN SEASON 5, two seasons are we found out he's a ripper???
wait let's go back to stefan's lack of character development. how can he go from saying that he was worse than damon in season 2 to "not all of us are like my brother" in season 5. Here is just another example of stefan salvatore being inconsistent and not making any sense.
In S3 stefan creates this whole revenge plan against klaus and then later comes to the conclusion that it got him nowhere. one would think he'd learn from this, but he does the same thing in s5 with his revenge against silas only to come to the exact same conclusion AGAIN.
How can stefan come to the conclusion that revenge isn't the answer, not once but TWICE in S3 AND S5 and still want revenge against cade in S8 and in doing so willingly putting elena's life in danger? Did he not learn his lesson the first two times, where is the development?
I don't know how stefan still manages to find a level of moral superiority after admitting the torture he has put people through. Like he is capable of ripping thousands of people a part on any other day except Christmas???? truly one of the dumbest lines on the show.
Stefan Salvatore and Joe Goldberg being the biggest stalkers on television and thinking its romantic.
stelena have a mutual break up that stefan initiates bc of elena's feelings for damon, then later on when stefan finds out that she acted on those feelings AFTER they had broken up, he gets so entitled and makes her feel guilty bc she moved on without his say-so, TRASH.
stefan really thinks elena can't think for herself, that she must be "BLIND" for not choosing him. I mean forget entitlement, imagine be this self-involved. And how exactly does he think he has the right to say what or who is right for her?? that's up to elena to decide, not HIM.
stefan in 4x06 vs stefan in 4x08, MAKE IT MAKE SENSE YOU GUYS. stefan salvatore displays ZERO consistently.
again with stefan acting like elena can't think for herself bc she didn't choose him. even without his memories, he thinks he's entitled to her and this scene just shows how little he thinks of elena, he believes that she's weak and doesn't have a mind of her own. DISGUSTING.
he didn't have a single reason to be THIS upset after finding out that elena was with damon when he had NO MEMORY of them or his relationship with elena. like what are you whining about??? you don't even remember anything afgshdjkh
did he really stick by her tho??? bc I remember he was so petty after the break up that HE initiated that he went as far as to make a rape "joke" at the expense of elena, being all "you’ve had no problem putting that sire bond to good use" and smirking afterwards no less.
you know I just find it interesting how stefan tried to act like he wanted elena to know the truth about him, but any time she got close to the truth, he’d get defensive and either have a panic attack or somehow blame damon as if it was damon’s fault that stefan was lying to her.
stefan waits for elena to leave the room before he threatens to kill john bc he thrives on people thinking he's the "good brother" and then later when elena asks about the confrontation, he lies to her and tries to make it out like they just had a little "chat."
he's such a hypocrite, he lectures damon about not getting involved in elena's relationship with jeremy, but just a few eps later he's doing the exact same thing & getting involved with elena's relationship with her father & also speaking on her behalf when its not HIS business.
I don't think people really understand how possessive this line is, that fact that he had already decided he was gonna start a life with her WITHOUT elena's knowledge and before she even met him and the fact that this is so one-sided is SOOO creepy.
I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that stefan still doesn't think any of his wrongdoings is his fault or lexi forcing him to give a half assed apology bc he isn't capable of doing it on his own.
not stefan lecturing damon about compelling humans bc its "bad" when 2 episodes ago he compelled himself into elena's school so he could stalk her.
he literally says this while he has blood dripping down his mouth like??? 5 seconds ago he was stalking an innocent woman and fed on her and now he's calling damon the monster???? like fine, damon is a bad guy, BUT SO ARE YOU. tired of him constantly sitting on his high horse.
the fact that stefan genuinely thinks he always does the right thing. what about in 3x01 when he compelled andie to kill herself?? he snuck away from klaus and killed her (with his humanity on) just to stop damon from trying to save him. was that the right thing to do?
stefan was never in control, thats literally his biggest flaw on the show. he didnt know how to be a normal vampire without ripping heads off. In 1x17 stefan got a taste of human blood after decades and literally went crazy. the writers just refuse to acknowledge stefan's flaws.
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