A quick thread on MRAs / Incels . I genuinely thought it was a few thousand young guys pretty much dividing their time equally between Reddit, games consoles and wanking furiously into a sock. I was wrong
Not about the sock thing, I’m pretty sure about that. I suspect when they eventually drop their laundry at their mums house the first five minutes of the wash cycle sounds like a load of brick ends in a cement mixer
But I was wrong about the scale. There are fucking MILLIONS of them. I followed some threads where I’ve been retweeted talking about gender, and some of these guys have 20k, 30k and more followers. And they tweet about this shit all the time
I also underestimated the actual issue. I thought they were just sexually frustrated, didn’t respect women and thought life owed them a blow job. Truth is they fucking HATE women. Not just a bit either, a really deep seated despising that makes no sense
They are also as dumb as rocks – they’ve literally wanked themselves stupid. It has apparently never occurred to them that women don’t fancy men who clearly hate them and whose main hobby is developing their extensive collection of rigid hosiery
For an example of stupidity, I saw a thread where the existence of sperm banks was given of proof of women’s long term plan to exterminate men. Ah yes, who amongst us hasn’t noticed the evil plans afoot by …*checks notes*… fertility doctors
Not sure what to do about them. Ignoring it doesn’t seem an option. Could fight them, but would probably have to be on Fortnite as I don’t think they like going outside. In the meantime, I think I’ll just stick to ridiculing these fuckwits
Anyway, glad to get that of my chest. Also, I mainly just wanted to use the phrase ‘wanking furiously into a sock’ so today has been a good day
Finally! It's great to see scientists* providing some 'concrete' data to support my incel / rigid hosiery theory

Although we also shouldn't forget that vanishingly rare (some say mythical) phenomenon: the incel who's a non-practicing wanksmith. Don't worry lads, there's something for you aim for too
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