This is profoundly bad news.
This seems like a good time for a thread on the impact of private equity companies on local news. /1
Key Quote: "Under DFM, the Eagle and its sister papers in the New England Newspaper Group [...] were relentlessly cut, though Alden managed to extract cash flow to meet a target return of 15 percent to 20 percent." /3
Key Quote: "A successful paper is turned into a shell of its former self so its hedge fund owners can buy houses in the Hamptons." /5
Key Quote: "Digital First Media has been eviscerating newspapers at more than twice the national rate." Since 2011 "DFM executives have eliminated a staggering two out of every three staff positions at its media properties." /7
Key Quote: "The strategy is to acquire, cut costs, and quickly sell. The problem, though, is finding buyers after those three to five years. With no more costs to cut and little consideration for future revenue sources, these newspapers flounder and sometimes shut down." /9
Key Quote: “They’re not reinvesting in the business,” Ken Doctor, a longtime newspaper analyst and president of the website Newsonomics, said about Alden Global. “It’s dying and they are going to make every dollar they can on the way down.” /11
Be sure to see this graphic on private equity ownership from @business last year /12
But don't take my word for it, @businessofnews has a whole page dedicated to investment fund newspaper owners in their own words As well as this useful timeline of acquisition, sales and closures at investment owned papers /14
Newsonomics: Alden Global Capital is making so much money wrecking local journalism it might not want to stop anytime soon  via @NiemanLab /15
“This is the lum­ber com­pany try­ing to buy the na­tional park,” says @JimFriedlich /18
Here is the Washington Post on DFM - "“They are the ultimate cash flow mercenary. They want to find cash flow and bleed it to death.” /21
Sadly, this thread just keeps getting longer... /22
Returning to my old thread on the scourge of private equity and hedge funds in journalism and media ownership to post this new piece from @marcatracy /23

A Paradox at the Heart of the Newspaper Crisis 
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